A collection of the best threads on the internet curated…
This thread was originally published on Twitter by Chris Staudinger
Learning JavaScript can get you into many fields of Programming; Frontend, Backend, Mobile, Web Development.
Here’re 4 simple steps to become a JavaScript Developer ( FREE resources included )
This free Udemy course is the most enrolled JavaScript course with 335,000 students and 4.5/5 rating.
It's very well laid out.
Learning programming is active, not passive. You need to implement what you're learning through building projects.
This resource has 40 JavaScript project tutorials to guide you.
There are quite a few great frontend frameworks. But React is the most employable.You’re best off with React since employment is the goal.Take this 12 hour free course from FreeCodeCamp, it’s so good!
Again, learning programming is active, not passive.You need to implement what you learning through building projects.FreeCodeCamp deliver the goods again with a great course building 15 React projects.
That's the end of this thread.
I simplify software development and getting into tech💡
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