7 free online courses you can take up to enhance your IT skills while quarantined at home – GQ India


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Nations under lockdown have brought the world to a near standstill. It’s as if people are living in a time warp. The concept of weekends are a blur, sleep schedules officially messed up and those at home mostly spend their free time binge-watching movies and TV shows.
Since most of us are already spending a considerable amount of time surfing through content online, why not utilise this time more efficiently by taking up new courses to up your existing skillset? Learning a new course online might sound intimidating, but the returns are plenty. FYI, these courses are offered by prestigious universities like Harvard and Princeton… for free. So, we shortlisted 7 online courses for you to enhance your IT skills.
Offered by Harvard University
This course is specially designed for people at managerial or decision-making levels or those who are founders of organisations. According to the course description, the course will empower you to make technological decisions more efficiently and confidently. Topics covered include: computational thinking, programming languages, internet technologies, web development, technology stacks and cloud computing.
Duration: 6 weeks
Course Link: CS50’s Computer Science for Business Professionals
Offered by Columbia University
There’s never been a more relevant time than now to consider this course, given healthcare systems across the world are facing a near crisis. Especially, when the health care delivery programs depend heavily on information technology to coordinate and improve healthcare, manage patient registries and more. This course is designed for people who work in administration, business, finance, operations, data or IT. No additional hardware or software is required for this course as the training is role-based.
Duration: 4 weeks
Course Link: HI FIVE: Health informatics For Innovation, Value and Enrichment (Administrative/ IT Perspective)
Offered by Harvard University
AI is slowly changing our lives – be it professionally or personally. So, it’s natural to see a surge in the demand for expertise in the field. This course will help you get an upper hand while building a strong portfolio. From handwriting recognition, machine translation to game engines, this course will provide an insight into all aspects related to modern artificial intelligence. The course aims at teaching Markov models, Bayesian networks, probability theory, logical interference, graph search algorithm and more.
Duration: 7 weeks
Course Link: CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python 
Offered by Harvard University
In case you still consider yourself a rookie when it comes to using technology or use terms like “technologically backward” to define your limited knowledge, then this course is for you. This course will train you for all those times when you get stuck or something goes wrong and you have to depend on the IT team to come to your rescue. The course includes classes on hardware, Internet, multimedia, programming and web development.
Duration: 6 weeks
Course Link: CS50’s Understanding Technology
Offered by Princeton University
Given how the world is shifting towards an education system that supports “reading, writing and computing”, it’s become more important than ever for students across all fields to learn computer programming. This course is the first step towards understanding the nature of computer science and the impact it has on the world. The course aims at teaching basic skills and programming components such as variables, conditionals, loops, arrays and I/O.
Duration: 10 weeks
Course Link: Computer Science: Programming with a Purpose
Offered by Princeton University
This course covers everything from basic structures such as permutations, trees, strings, words and mappings to understanding more complex structures, and the historical context of algorithm performance. Additionally, the course also covers generating functions and real asymptotics, and analytic combinatorics.
Duration: 9 weeks
Course Link: Analysis of Algorithms
Offered by University of Pennsylvania
This course aims at training you to solve quantitative and data-related problems using a computational thinking approach. In layman terms, addressing problems and finding solutions in ways that a computer can solve or execute. The course involves learning about the pillars of computational thinking, how experts develop and analyse algorithms, and how to use Python to find solutions on a computer.
Duration: 4 weeks
Course Link: Computational Thinking for Problem Solving
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