Music course viewing jumps 124% on Skillshare –


Online learning platform Skillshare saw a 124% increase n the number of premium Skillshare members watching music classes during the first 12 months of the pandemic.

Engagement was also up dramatically with the number of hours of music classes watched in music classes on Skillshare up 180%.
Skillshare offers unlimited access to a wide range of courses at $13.99 per month or $167.88 billed annually with a seven day free trial.
MasterClass, Coursera and Udemy all offer similar classes.
Bruce Houghton is Founder and Editor of Hypebot and MusicThinkTank and serves as a Senior Advisor to Bandsintown which acquired both publications in 2019. He is the Founder and President of the Skyline Artists Agency and a professor for the Berklee College Of Music.
I guess that pandemic has increased the popularity of online education in general. And I like it, as it’s more comfortable to study something without leaving home. Sometimes, it’s hard to do some tasks, but I always can use educational platform for such issues. Actually, today there is plenty of useful online services that can help with assignments, theory and other educational materials. I think that the online mode of studying is the future of education as it gives the possibility to study at any time and any place.
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