Palm Springs Library adds Coursera, LinkedIn Learning and other online courses – Desert Sun


Palm Springs residents looking to take classes in subjects as disparate as beekeeping, time management and becoming an EMT will soon be able to do so for free from the comfort of anywhere they can get an internet connection. 
The Palm Springs Public Library announced Wednesday that it has added six new online learning digital resources to its website, Anyone with a Palm Springs Public Library card can access the resources, which will be available for at least the next year. 
The resources are: 
Coursera: A massive open online course provider that offers access to more than 5,000 courses on subjects ranging from HTML to beekeeping to branding
GetSetUp: A platform for people 50 and over offering age-appropriate classes on wellness, exercise, technology and other subjects. 
LearningExpress: A portal containing nearly 1,000 online tutorials and eBooks for all ages focusing on both academic subjects and workplace skills. The site also contains college and grad school entrance exam practice tests.
 LinkedIn Learning: A platform offering access to more than 16,000 videos focusing on various job skills.
Northstar Digital Literacy: A program focused on teaching basic skills related to using a computer and the internet in daily life, employment and higher education. 
Skillshare: A  platform featuring 35,000 video courses on business topics ranging from entrepreneurship and productivity to graphic design. 
The library obtained the resources thanks to funds secured through the American Rescue Plan Act, the $1.9 trillion economic stimulus passed by Congress in March. 
“We are thankful to receive these resources for free from the state library,” said Jeannie Kays, the library’s director of library services, in an announcement. “Courses like these are invaluable during a time like this when online learning at home is more convenient.”
Julie Warren, the library’s library and public services manager, said it is possible the library could opt to begin paying to offer the resources permanently. To that end, the library plans to track usage. 
“If the community really likes these resources, I am sure we will try to continue them,” she said. 
The resources join several others already available for free to cardholders, including HelpNow Homework Tutoring and Mango Language Learning. Anyone who lives in Palm Springs can acquire a Palm Springs Public Library card at the library at 300 S. Sunrise Way. 
Paul Albani-Burgio covers breaking news and the City of Palm Springs. Follow him on Twitter at @albaniburgiop and via email at [email protected].
