Designing with Basic Shapes and Outlines in Illustrator


Summary, Description

In this lesson, you will learn how to draw vector drawings of something in Adobe Illustrator using simple shapes & outlines. This class covers everything in detail that you need to get there, no matter how plain or complicated artwork you choose to make, and teaches the basic and in-depth method and workflow to help you draw drawings in your own style.

Plan in Class

The class assignment is something that can help you chart the success of what you have learned in the classroom. It will allow you to develop your ability by doing daily practise and working on assignments. By following the directions, I highly encourage students to go through the class project and do some practise.

I have 3 class project assignments attached. I want you to go through them and use them as a reference illustration, and replicate them using the method explained in the lectures in your own art style.

Follow the workflow as discussed in the class to make your assignment and ensure that you obey the step-by-step method as mentioned below;

Observe your surroundings, and select a thing you want

1- Using fundamental forms, make a rough drawing (as shown in the class)

2- To Adobe Illustrator bring your rough drawing (Refine sketch using outlines and basic shapes)

3- In the outline artwork illustration, add colours

4- To the design, apply highlights and shadows

For whom this course is intended:

Graphic Architects
Digital Performers
Designers for UI


Course Link

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