A Master List of 1700 Free Courses From Top Universities: A Lifetime of Learning on One Page – Open Culture


in <em class="postcategory"Online Courses | April 24th, 2022 10 Comments

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For the past 15 years, we’ve been busy rummaging around the internet and adding courses to an ever-growing list of Free Online Courses, which now features 1,700 courses from top universities. Let’s give you the quick overview: The list lets you download audio & video lectures from schools like Stanford, Yale, MIT, Oxford, Harvard and many other institutions. Generally, the courses can be accessed via YouTube, iTunes or university web sites, and you can listen to the lectures anytime, anywhere, on your computer or smart phone. We haven’t done a precise calculation, but there’s about 50,000 hours of free audio & video lectures here. Enough to keep you busy for a very long time–something that’s useful during these socially distant times.
Right now you’ll find 200 free philosophy courses, 105 free history courses, 170 free computer science courses, 85 free physics courses and 55 Free Literature Courses in the collection, and that’s just beginning to scratch the surface. You can peruse sections covering Astronomy, Biology, BusinessChemistry, Economics, Engineering, Math, Political Science, Psychology and Religion.
Here are some highlights from the complete list of Free Online Courses. We’ve added a few unconventional/vintage courses in the mix just to keep things interesting.
The complete list of courses can be accessed here: 1,700 Free Online Courses from Top Universities. For more enriching material, see our other collections below.
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Would like to join for a online degree preferably in law or marketing
Thank you so much for allowing free online education
I need a free online course in philosophy, politics and economics
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I want to take them all!!!❤
I am a senior looking for inspiration and extension of my knowledge.
Another old man appreciative for this resource. What a great thing to do……
I need online courses in religion and law. Thank you so much for this opportunity. God bless you.
Fantastic. A million thanks!
Witam serdecznie wszystkich.
Mam pytanie, czy jest możliwy darmowy kurs online z dziedziny Psychiatrii, psychologii.?
Dziękuję bardzo za umożliwienie mi bezpłatnej nauki i wiedzy online.
This is great, I want to study religion, and nutrition

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