PLC Bursary for Displaced Persons (Ukraine) Scheme 2022: Your questions answered –


From Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science 
Published on 17 August 2022
Last updated on 17 August 2022
Post Leaving Certificate courses are full-time and last for one to two years. The courses generally lead to major awards at National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) Levels 5 and 6. PLC courses are delivered by Education and Training Boards (ETBs).
PLC courses take place in schools, colleges and community education centres and are available in all regions of the country.
PLC courses adopt an integrated approach, focusing on technical knowledge, core skills and work experience. They are designed as a step towards skilled employment and, as such, they are closely linked to industry and its needs with many leading to an industry recognised qualification. They also offer an alternative route to higher education and can give students the opportunity to try out a subject of interest to them before progressing to work or higher education.
Courses are delivered in a wide range of disciplines including:
You can find a list of PLC courses at Course Finder provided by an approved institution in the 2022-23 academic year.
There is no cost associated with undertaking a Post Leaving Cert (PLC) courses since the start of the 2021/22 academic year.
The scheme is aimed specifically at persons who have entered the State as a result of the emergency situation in Ukraine and who:
You can see how to apply here.
The Temporary Protection Directive (2001/55 EC) has been activated by EU Council Decision EU 2022/382 of 4 March 2022, to provide immediate protection in EU countries for people displaced by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This requires, among other, that qualified persons under this Act will be able to access education on the same basis as Irish citizens.
On arrival in the state or shortly thereafter displaced Ukrainian nationals will be provided with a letter from the Minister for Justice confirming that they are a beneficiary of Temporary Protection in Ireland granted under section 60 of the International Protection Act 2015. This evidence will be requested by the awarding authority.
Yes if you have temporary protection under section 60 of the International Protection Act 2015 you can apply. The temporary protection also applies to non-Ukrainian citizens who were living in Ukraine before 24 February 2022 with their Ukrainian family.
People who were living in Ukraine before 24 February 2022 as refugees, or with another form of international protection, or as a stateless person can also benefit from temporary protection. Family members of these groups are included if they lived in Ukraine before 24 February 2022.
Yes if you have successfully obtained temporary protection under section 60 of the International Protection Act 2015 from the Department of Justice.
Only those who have been granted temporary protection under section 60 of the International Protection Act 2015 can apply.
The bursary will not exceed €6,115 in total for the academic year 2022/2023. You will be paid in 9 monthly instalments of €679.44 subject to your attendance on the course which will be verified by the awarding authority prior to payment.
The first payment will not be made until confirmation from the approved PLC college has been received that the applicant has been registered as a student and is attending a full time SOLAS approved PLC course.
Payment will be made into the recipient’s open and active Euro account in the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) that can accept Electronic Fund Transfers (including new Irish bank accounts opened on arrival to the State as well as Revolut and N26). Applicants are advised to check with their financial institution if in doubt.
Eligible applicants will be notified once their PLC college has confirmed their registration on a full time SOLAS approved PLC course.
No, once you apply for the bursary (link to application form) the awarding authority will process your application. They will contact the approved institution on your behalf and they will confirm your registration and attendance on the PLC course.
Prior to applying for the PLC Bursary Displaced Persons (Ukraine) Scheme 2022 it is important that you contact the local INTREO centre and ask for the Employment Personal Adviser (formerly known as the Case Officer) and check whether you are entitled to the Back to Education Allowance which may be of more value than this bursary.
The Back to Education Allowance (BTEA) provides income support to certain DSP customers to undertake a range of education and training options with the aim of improving labour market opportunities.
Where a student is eligible for BTEA they should apply through the Department of Social Protection for this support and not the DFHERIS PLC Bursary for Displaced Persons (Ukraine) Scheme 2022.
In order to qualify for BTEA a DSP customer who wishes to become a student of a PLC course must be:
a. a specific age
b. in receipt of a qualifying social welfare payment for a specified period of time
c. commencing the first year of a course of study
d. pursuing a course of study which requires full-time college attendance for the complete academic year
e. undertaking a course of study that is leading to a recognised qualification in a recognised college
f. progressing in the levels of education held
For a person on a Jobseeker Payment including Jobseekers Transitional Payment:
For a person in receipt of One Parent Family Payment, Disability allowance:
Note: Periods spent on different qualifying payments can be combined to meet the qualifying period. Time spent receiving Supplementary Welfare Allowance counts towards meeting the qualifying period.
If you have any queries on the eligibility criteria please email [email protected]
Phone number: 0818 927999 or 071 9672500
No, you cannot retain your social welfare payment and/or transfer to BTEA and also be in receipt of this bursary.
No, you can only apply to this scheme if you have temporary protection under section 60 of the International Protection Act 2015, and would like to participate in a SOLAS-approved full time post leaving certificate course.
FET courses and programmes are provided through the 16 Education and Training Boards (ETBs) across Ireland and through the SOLAS eCollege online platform.
There are a range of options available at
Further education is free of charge or heavily subsidised. Courses are designed to support learners who are interested in:
• upskilling to enter the workforce or progress in their existing career
• progressing into further or higher education
• undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship
• developing their skills in reading and writing
Displaced Ukrainian students and researchers wishing to continue their education in Ireland can contact a central helpdesk established by the government.
The helpdesk will direct students to third-level institutions or researcher positions that meet their educational needs. It is staffed by admissions experts and research advisors.
Contact the National Student and Researcher Helpdesk at [email protected] or by calling +353 (0)1 474 7788.
A dedicated email address has been established to deal with student queries: [email protected]
The PLC Bursary for Displaced Persons (Ukraine) Scheme 2022 is not payable to those undertaking FET courses such as English language training and is only payable to eligible students on a full time PLC course.
No, this scheme is only for those who have been granted temporary protection under section 60 of the International Protection Act 2015. You can apply for support via the statutory Student Grant Scheme . Go to Nationality criteria SUSI for more information.
No, this scheme is only for those who have been granted temporary protection under section 60 of the International Protection Act 2015. You can apply for support via the statutory Student Grant Scheme. Go to Nationality criteria SUSI for more information.
No, this scheme is only for those who have been granted temporary protection under section 60 of the International Protection Act 2015.
However, you may be eligible to apply for financial support via the Student Support Scheme for people in the International Protection System as it provides financial grants for students who are in the protection system or at the leave to remain (but not deportation order) stage.
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