Learn Google Go for just $14 – TechRepublic


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Learn Google Go for just $14
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Explore the language invented at Google with this beginner’s training course.
When it comes to web development, there’s a whole lot to learn. New languages enter the fray almost daily, so what are you supposed to do to future-proof your skills? It doesn’t hurt to lean on programming languages developed by tech giants themselves. For instance, Google Go was invented by the search giant as a means of streamlining developmental processes. If you want to future-proof your skills, learning Go is a good idea, and The Complete Google Go Programming Language for Beginners Course is a perfect place to start.
This course is designed for those with a background in coding and programming languages already, not for absolute beginners. If you want to diversify your skill set, it’s a great way to learn Go fundamentals and understand how to apply them in real-world scenarios. You’ll explore advanced features like Go Language and Concurrency, build a foundation for exploring more advanced, complicated languages and more.
You’ll also get familiar with LiteIDE, the open-source integrated development environment used in conjunction with Go to write code. By the end of the course, you’ll have a practical understanding that will help further your coding journey.
Learn the programming language trusted by Google developers. Right now, you can get The Complete Google Go Programming Language for Beginners Course for 93% off $200 at just $13.99.
Prices and availability are subject to change.
Learn Google Go for just $14
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