Science Safety Announces Free Methanol Safety Course to All Virginia Schools – PR Web


Science Safety, Inc., a leader in science, STEAM, CTE, and lab safety education, is offering a free methanol safety module to all Virginia schools, in response to the accident in Dinwiddie High School in Dinwiddie County, Virginia where several students and a teacher were injured.
School science laboratory accidents and injuries involving methanol have occurred and resulting in many educational institutions banning the use of certain science experiments and demonstrations that involve methanol; including the ‘Colorful Rainbow’ experiment.
“The potential for fires and injuries resulting from the use of methanol in K12 schools can be significantly reduced, or even preventable, with appropriate and proactive safety training, and awareness,” said Dr. Brian Collins, a Director of Science Safety, Inc.
The Methanol Safety Module is a small segment of the grade, subject matter, and role-appropriate safety learning pathways that Science Safety offers. Safety learning pathways include a blend of traditional, virtual, video, animation, and scenario-based learning to achieve safety awareness outcomes. Pathways that use the methanol module include:

To access the complimentary methanol safety module, Virginia schools may visit, click on the “Take This Course” button and follow the process to register.
“I’ve spent decades working alongside many educational professional associations and governmental agencies across the nation, in order to help make schools safer,” said Dr. Ken Roy, an internationally recognized science safety specialist. “Science Safety Inc. providing free access to Virginia schools for a methanol module shows a true commitment to the cause of science, STEM, CTE, and lab safety education.”
About Science Safety
Science Safety Inc. is a leader in Science, STEAM, CTE, and Lab Safety providing a comprehensive and holistic approach to safety risk management, the Science Safety Risk Management Process (SSRMP) to help schools and organizations take a proactive approach to science, CTE, STEM, and lab safety. Science Safety’s goal is to help organizations build a culture of continuous safety and improve safety policies to reduce the risk of injuries (and resulting lawsuits). Read more about methanol in the classroom and risk management for K12 schools
Media Contact
Dr. Brian Collins, (833) 372-3372, Science Safety Inc.
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