WCPS covers cost for its kids in Hagerstown Community College classes – Herald-Mail Media


Hagerstown Community College and Washington County Public Schools recently announced that WCPS students enrolled in HCC courses for the current school year will no longer be charged tuition.
In addition, tuition refunds will be issued for students who are enrolled in HCC courses for the current fall semester and who have already paid for those classes, according to a news release from the school system.
Starting Dec. 1, WCPS is paying tuition for its students completing college courses through HCC during the 2022-2023 school year, whether the courses are taken at HCC, in their home high school, or online. If tuition has already been paid, it will be refunded by HCC, according to the release.
Students will be responsible for paying for all fees, textbooks, or materials required for their classes. WCPS will also be paying tuition in the upcoming spring semester.
“Expanding our students’ access to higher education and dual enrollment courses is a significant step forward in education,” David Sovine, WCPS superintendent, said in the release. “This is yet another initiative to help our students accelerate their learning and prepare for college and their career. We are thankful to have such a strong partnership with HCC to offer these opportunities.”
The State of Maryland recently provided HCC and WCPS with guidance in regards to the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future. The Blueprint is a piece of legislation that was originally passed by Maryland lawmakers in the spring of 2021 and updated in the spring of 2022, and it provides an extraordinary investment in the public education system to enhance learning, accelerate student outcomes, and improve the quality of education in Maryland.
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“The State of Maryland is providing an historic opportunity for high school students to earn college credit at minimal cost,” Jim Klauber, HCC president, said in the release. “WCPS is a great partner in education with HCC, and I hope that parents will maximize this opportunity for their children.”
WCPS students interested in exploring dual credit options should contact their school counselor or a school administrator.
