Free E-Learning Course: Carbon Reduction & Achieving Net Zero –


01342 332000
Last updated: 29th November 2022
While at COP26 countries agreed to deliver stronger commitments, including updated national plans with more ambitious targets, COP27 is all about moving from negotiations and planning for implementation for all those promises, and pledges made the year before. According to Lily Odarno, director of the Clean Air Task Force’s Energy and Climate Innovation Program, Africa “we basically are off-target in terms of meeting our climate goals, even if countries have implemented their NDCs, which is their nationally determined contributions, as they currently stand”. The sense of urgency in businesses is only increasing overtime as the pressure to accelerate carbon reduction is currently a key priority. Enrol on our e-learning course to accelerate your journey to carbon reduction and net zero.
At Achilles, we’re the UK’s only accredited Greenhouse Gas certification scheme, and sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. Our e-learning course covers a wide range of carbon reduction topics, from the principles of carbon reduction to how to measure Green House Gas (GHG) emissions across scope 1, 2 and 3. Our aim is to equip businesses with the right tools to understand the steps they have to follow in order to accelerate their journey towards net zero.
Take this course at your own pace online – it doesn’t have an expiry date. Receive a 30-minute lesson each week for 4 weeks via email and at the end of every lesson, you’ll be able to test yourself on what you learned.
Get started now here.

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