Free Places on Coaching and Mentoring for Creatives Course for MU Members in Wales – The Musicians' Union


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CULT Cymru’s Leadership and Management endorsed coaching and mentoring course is open again for applications, usually £300 to attend, the course is free to MU members (less £50 deposit).
CULT Cymru is continuing to work in partnership with the Professional Development Centre to deliver the exciting Institute of Leadership and Management endorsed coaching and mentoring programme.
The training is free (less £50 deposit) open to members of Bectu, Equity, the Musicians' Union (MU) and the Writers' Union (WGGB). Non-members can attend for a fee of £300. Feedback from previous participants is very positive. The sessions will take place via Zoom. Feedback from previous participants is very positive.
You must attend all training sessions as well as the tutorial.
Thursdays, 10:30 am – 1:00 pm (via Zoom)
Dates: 19 January, 26 January, 2 February, 9 February
Tutorial: Thursday February 16, 10:30 am – 12.30 am
Following the training all participants will be required to undertake a total of six-hours of coaching & mentoring (i.e. sessions lasting between 45 minutes – 1.5 hours with two different people).
Practical assignment deadline: 20 April, 2023
(i.e. written self-reflections of the minimum of 6 hours of coaching and mentoring you have undertaken in pre-pared forms).
The programme is free for members of the above unions only, including the Musicians’ Union. However CULT Cymru will require a deposit of £50 (refundable on participation in the full programme). Non-members can attend for a fee of £300
Union members working in the creative sector in Wales who have sufficient skills, experience and motivation to coach or mentor others in the industry (freelance or staff). (Union reps. or activists are particularly encouraged to participate).
This could include experienced individuals as well as young members who have links to new entrants (minimum 2 years paid industry experience). People from under-represented groups, e.g. BAME and disabled people are particularly encouraged to participate as well as Welsh speakers.
We will aim to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that the programme is accessible, please let us know if this something you require.
The aim of the programme is to provide the skills and knowledge required to enable established workers in the creative sector who are passionate about learning and development to effectively encourage and support their co-workers through coaching and mentoring practices.
For your information we hope to run a Mentoring scheme in entertainment, theatre and live events in the near future so obtaining this qualification will be valuable should you want to try and be a mentor on this scheme.
By the end of the programme participants should be able to:
Sessions 1 and 2
Welcome and introductions
Independent Exercise between sessions 2 and 3
A short exercise to help you to prepare for the assignment
Sessions 3 and 4
Session 5
Following the fourth day of training you will be required to carry out a minimum of six hours of coaching and mentoring practice (ideally consisting of 1-2-1 sessions of between 45 minutes – 1.5 hour sessions with a minimum of two people). You will write a reflective account of the coaching / mentoring sessions during this period. These can be undertaken online, via phone or face to face.
You will need to submit the written reflective logs to [email protected] by 20th April, 2023.
The reflective practice log will be submitted to the PD Centre and a certificate will be awarded to all those who reach the required standard. You will be offered guidance with your written assignment if required.
We can help you find a person to coach or mentor if required, ideally a member of one of the creative unions (including course participants) or a student.
If you are interested in applying please complete CULT Cymru’s short Application Form.
Further queries about the course should be sent to [email protected], and any queries about bookings to [email protected].
Through the MU, gig players, part-time teachers and professional musicians can access personal accident insurance, health schemes, travel insurance and car insurance add-ons through the Musicians’ Union.
Learn about all membership benefits
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Published: 07 December 2022
Copyright Musicians Union. All rights reserved.
