Free online courses for civil society representatives and civic … –


The EU-funded EaP Civil Society Facility project is offering civil society representatives and civic activists from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine free courses on the FutureLearn and TechSoup platforms.
Anyone interested needs to check the online courses available from the project’s partners by searching the 3,500+ courses available at FutureLearn and/or the list of courses available on TechSoup.
Then identify up to three courses, with access fees of €75 or less, which will strengthen your capacity to perform effectively in civic activism.
Apply using this form, letting the EaP Civil Society Facility know the courses you have chosen and why they are relevant to you. You can submit a maximum of two applications during the probationary period.
If your application is successful, the EaP Civil Society Facility will send you an ‘e-learning voucher’ (or, in exceptional cases, several vouchers) which you can redeem by enrolling on your chosen course.
The vouchers are available on a limited trial basis until 31 December.
Find out more
Press release
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