At least 1,300 Indian students have received Chinese visas, says Chinese foreign ministry – Economic Times


India apprises China of new norms for Indian medical students studying in Chinese colleges to qualify for practice back home
Embassy of India in China asks Indian students returning to re-join colleges to register with it
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Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is well on its path to double its revenues to $50 billion by 2030, but in 2023 India’s largest software services firm foresees an impact of a combination of the interest rate tightening by the US Federal Reserve and a volatile geopolitical scenario, said its CEO &MD Rajesh Gopinathan.
Metro AG global chief executive officer Steffen Greubel said the company is at a “very advanced” level of discussions on its India business, suggesting for the first time that it could be looking at an exit from the country soon.
The government said staff can’t take on work that’s against the interests of their employers in addition to their jobs, clarifying the law as a debate rages over moonlighting in India’s tech industry.
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