Google Will Grant Community Colleges Free Access to Its Career Certifications – IBL News


IBL News | New York 
Google announced last week that it will grant community colleges and career and technical high schools in the U.S. free access to all its four career certifications.
It will allow schools to incorporate Google’s certifications into their curriculums as part of for-credit courses.
Currently, the search giant offers four career certifications: data analytics, information technology, user experience design, and project management. The certificates are administered by the online learning provider Coursera.
Google IT Support Certification requires a minimum of 150 hours of an online course.
Lisa Gevelber, from Grow with Google, said that the four certificates were recommended by the American Council on Education and would be recognized as college credit for up to as many as 12 credits, equalling some four college courses at the Bachelors level.
The State of Connecticut became the first in the country to offer the complete Google Career Certificates suite across all its universities and colleges, starting spring next year.
Google announced the program at an event with Connecticut state officials and U.S. Secretary of Education Michael Cardona.
