47 MD, MS seats available in 15 specialities at Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, All… – Medical Dialogues


Tirupati: There are a total of 47 MD, MS seats available in 15 different specialities at Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati (SVIMS) this academic year.
All the candidates seeking PG medical admissions in the SVIMS this year are hereby advised to take note of all the admission details mentioned below including fees, seats, rules and regulations.
The details of the seats available and the Seat matrix under the Competent Authority quota for the year 2021-22 will be displayed on the University website before the date of exercising web options. Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati (SVIMS). 50% seats of the total available seats are State quota under Competent Authority.
The details of the seats available for the academic year i.e., 2021-22 are given below:-
Availability of PG Seats (MD, MS) At Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati (SVIMS) Speciality wise:-
Sl. No.
Name of the course
All India Quota
State Quota
Total seats
Emergency Medicine
Nuclear Medicine
Transfusion Medicine
General Surgery
*Community Medicine
For starting of the courses from Sl.No.12 to 15 Letters of Intents (LOIs) were received and awaiting for Letter of Permission (LOPs) from NMC.
The maximum number of seats are available in Anesthesiology, and Medicine.
The courses are full-time courses. The candidate shall be a full-time resident. No postgraduate is allowed to do any private practice or consultation and shall not accept any part-time employment in any state or central or Quasi-Government or private organizations during the period of Post Graduate study. If any student violates this rule, appropriate action shall be taken.
1. The Selected candidate has to pay the University fee as fixed by Dr NTRUHS,
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. Other Fees as per SVIMS.
Total fees are as detailed below:
S. No
Fees particulars
University Fee- Rs. 23,500
Tuition fee & Other fees
Tuition fee per annum
1,00,000 /-
Library fee per annum
Registration fee
Sports & Cultural Activities fee per annum
Medical expenses fee per annum

Caution Deposit (Refundable)
* 10,000/-
Hostel Deposit (Refundable)
Hostel Corpus fund (Non-refundable)
* The caution deposit is to be paid at the time of joining and hostel deposit and corpus funds are to be paid to Hostel authorities.
At the time of reporting for admission, the candidate has to pay

a) Rs. 23,500/- towards University fee by All India Quota candidates by way of DD & State Quota candidates have to pay to Dr. NTRUHS.
b) Rs.11,200/-(10% of tuition fee & another fee)which is nonrefundable by way of DD.

c) Balance fees of Rs.1,00,800/- by way of another DD.
d) The demand draft (DD) shall be drawn in favor of, “The Director, SVIMS, Tirupati”, payable at Tirupati. The DDs shall be drawn on or after the commencement of the admission schedule.
In case, the candidate wants to slide to another college, the amount paid under (b) will not be refunded, the rest of the fees will be returned.


A monthly stipend as per SVIMS rules shall be paid to the candidate admitted to the course for the period not exceeding 36 months, taking their monthly attendance into consideration. At present they are being paid a monthly stipend of Rs.80,904/-, 83,216/- and 85,528/- respectively during I, II and III year course of study.
Note: In-service candidates will not be paid a stipend if he/she draws leave salary in their parent institution.
Resident’s Manual :
After admission, each Postgraduate Resident will be issued a copy of the Resident’s manual. The manual consists of the duties, responsibilities, attendance, leave, academics, thesis writing, and other guidelines to be followed during the training period. A copy of the resident’s manual for the year 2020 is available for reference in the institute website: http://www.svimstpt.ap.nic.in
Log Book:
The candidate shall maintain a logbook. There shall be the entry of various special investigations done, procedures, operations performed, etc., by the candidate during the study period certified by the head of the department. The Logbook shall be submitted to the examiners at the time of practical and viva voce.
Duties and responsibilities:
The duties and responsibilities of students joining PG (MD/MS) medical courses shall be fixed by the Institute from time to time. They will be required to pursue such works that may be needed in the legitimate interest of patient care in the hospital. The service of the postgraduate resident may be terminated without any prior notice by the Director-cum-Vice Chancellor on the following grounds:
i) If SVIMS is satisfied on medical evidence that the resident is unfit and is likely to remain so for a considerable period, for reasons of ill health and unable to discharge his / her duties. The decision of the Director-cum-VC, whether the Resident is unfit and is likely to continue to remain unfit, shall be conclusive and binding on him/her.
ii) If the resident is found to be guilty of insubordination, interference with the patient care/university administration or misconduct.
iii) If any resident is absent continuously for more than 30 days without any intimation to the office, a course completion certificate will be issued and deemed penalty will be levied.
iv) If the certificates submitted by him/ her at the time of joining the course are found to be not genuine by the competent authority at any time during or after the course his / her Degree is liable to be canceled.
The Performance of the candidates joining the course will be evaluated periodically by a committee constituted for the purpose and in case of unsatisfactory performance, the Institute has the right to take appropriate action to extend the period of training or detain the candidate and make him/her ineligible for appearing for final examination including the removal of the name of the candidate from the rolls of the institute.
There are a well-established separate library building in 45,000 sq.ft. available in SVIMS Campus with a good collection of (11670) books with a subscription for 148 print journals (79 foreign and 69 Indian ). The library has back volume journal collection of 6865 dating back to 1993. The Library is well equipped with modern facilities such as e-learning to access internet and web resources including online journals and e-books. All library services are being automated on modern line by adopting KOHA Library Automation Software. The computerization of collections is under process which will be accessible through OPAC. There is a computer lab consisting of 25 nodes to access e-resources for library users on free of cost. The main thrust of the library continues to be an improvement, of quality of services and facilities, achieving a high degree of user satisfaction and modernization of its activities and operations. It has Scanning and Photocopying facilities for library users. The Library is kept open for 363 days in a year except for Jan 26th and Aug 15th and functions 16 hours a day i.e. 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. (midnight). During festivals, holidays, and Sundays, it works from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
In case any candidate is found to have supplied false information or certificate or is found to have withheld or concealed certain information, he/she shall be debarred from continuing the course and shall face such appropriate action initiated against him/her by the Institute and his/her name will be referred to NMC/Medical Council of India.
The students shall maintain strict discipline during the period of study/training program in terms of conduct rules of the institute. The candidates shall not resort to any strikes during the period of their study. The students are not permitted in criticizing the policies of the Institute either before the print or electronic media or anywhere which amounts to dereliction of duties. Their grievances (if any) may be submitted to the Dean through proper channel. They are not permitted to approach the legal authorities/ NMC/MCI/ Govt. without prior permission by the institution. In case of violation of the conduct rules, the admission of the candidate is liable for cancellation apart from invoking the terms and conditions of the bond.
Ragging is prohibited in the Educational Institutions in the State of Andhra Pradesh, vide.Act.No.26 of 1997, dated 21-08-1997 & amendments made from time to time and NMC/Medical Council of India (Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Medical Colleges/ Institutions) Regulations, 2009 issued vide notification dated 03-08-2009.
If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the authority, the student concerned shall be given liberty to explain and if his/her explanation is not found satisfactory, the authority would expel him/ her from the Institution and the information will be forwarded to NMC/ Medical Council of India for taking necessary action.
After admission, each candidate has to submit an affidavit duly signed by self and parent /guardian. The affidavit is available in the website www.amanmovement.org.
The rules are subject to change in accordance with the institute’s policy taken from time to time.
Powers of Dean:
Notwithstanding anything contained therein, the Dean, SVIMS may at any time before completion of the course either on his/her own motion or on the application of any person after due and proper inquiry and after giving the person two weeks time from the date of receipt of the show cause notice to submit the written explanation and on personal hearing, order the cancellation of admission to the course, if in his/her opinion such candidate had furnished incorrect particulars/false information or in the certificates or in the statement made either before the Dean or any other manner. Against any such order of the Dean, the appeal shall lie with the Director-cum-VC, SVIMS, Tirupati.
1. The selected candidates have to execute two bonds. The proforma of the Indemnity Bonds are available at Appendix-I, which are to be submitted on or before the date of commencement of the course and receive the admission order.
2. The candidate shall execute the Indemnity Bond – I on a stamp paper (non-judicial) of Rs.100/- value, that, in the event of the candidate discontinuing the studies at any time during the course, he/she shall be bound to pay a sum of Rs.5,00,000/- (Rupees Five lakhs only) + GST as applicable along with the full stipend amount received by him/her back to the Institute.
3. The candidate shall also execute another bond (Indemnity Bond – II), that in the event of not willing to work in the post and pay offered by the institute after successful completion of the course for a period of one year, he/she shall be bound to pay a sum of Rs.20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty lakhs only) + GST as applicable.
4. The bonds require Two Sureties from Gazetted officers of State/Central Govt.
Compulsory Service:
As per G.O.RT. No. 144 HM&FW (C1) Dept. dated 20-04-2018 all the postgraduates joined in SVIMS have to do compulsory service for a period of one year after successful completion of the course immediately. Those who are in-service candidates and who are selected in DM/MCh courses are exempted from compulsory service. During their service, they will be paid an honorarium.
In the event of not being willing to do compulsory service after successful completion of the course, he/she shall be bound to pay a sum of Rs.20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty lakhs only)+ GST as mentioned under BONDS above. Unnecessary delay in joining without any valid reason will lead to the execution of the bond and withholding of the degree certificate.
17. Andhra Pradesh Medical Council registration is to be done immediately after admission. Without registration, the residents can’t attend to patients.
List of documents to be submitted at the time of Admission:-
(All Originals and one set of photocopies)
1. Provisional allotment order issued by MCC, DGHS for AIQ category.
Provisional Admission order issued by Dr NTRUHS for state category.
2. NEET PG – 2021 Admit card
3. NEET PG – 2021 Rank card
4. 10th class /SSC Marks certificate
5. Intermediate (+2) certificate
6. MBBS degree certificate (Provisional / Original)
7. MBBS consolidated marks memo
8. Certificate of Internship
9. Medical Council Registration Certificate
10. Transfer / Migration certificate of MBBS.
11. Study & Conduct certificates of MBBS
12. Integrated permanent community certificate for SC/ST/BC categories.
13. Photocopy of Aadhar card
14. Photocopy of PAN card
15. Fees as mentioned under clause 3 (ii)
16. Anti Ragging affidavit signed by both student and parent (Information on affidavit on anti-ragging: website address for online submission www.amanmovement.org, to be submitted on 1st May 2020)
17. Any other certificate claiming the reservation under PWD/EWS (if applicable)
18. Indemnity Bond-I & II (to be submitted at the time of admission without fail)
19. Passport size photos – 03
To view the official notice click on the following link:
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