Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) in association with the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) platform has launched two new free online courses on artificial intelligence. Beginning from January 2021, the institute is currently inviting applications for these two courses, till 25th January 2021.
Led by Professor Deepak Khemani from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, these courses — AI: Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning will help students gain problem-solving capabilities using artificial intelligence. Although the courses are free, the institute is also offering an e-certificate for successful candidates, which would cost ₹1000.
When asked, Professor Khemani stated to the media that there is massive traction of courses on data science and AI amid working professionals and college students amid the pandemic. And that’s why IITM, with this course, aims at “helping people acquire new skills and thus become job-ready.”
The two courses by IITM — one eight-week-long and another 12-week long begin in January and will run till April 2021. The first course — AI: Constraint Satisfaction — will focus on teaching students problem-solving capability in various ways using AI. Whereas, the second course — AI: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, will expose the students to different formal languages, programming and logical reasoning.
These courses will focus on some of the critical topics like constraint networks, projection networks, dynamic variable and value order, as well as a natural deduction, Tableau method, resolution method, and description logic, to name a few.
Get more details on the courses here & here.
The course can not only be taken by working professionals but also by undergraduate as well as postgraduate students of computer science, engineering and science. However, the course comes with certain prerequisites of basic understanding of programming languages.
To enrol for these free courses candidates need to register here.
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Sejuti currently works as Associate Editor at Analytics India Magazine (AIM). Reach out at [email protected]
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