APSCHE offers free courses in emerging technologies – The Hindu


Andhra Pradesh is the first State to launch this programme free of cost, says K. Hemachandra Reddy.  
Andhra Pradesh State Council for Higher Education (APSCHE), in association with the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and the National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM), is offering professional and certification courses in emerging technologies.
In a statement, APSCHE Chairman Hemachandra Reddy said the courses focus on promoting business skills under the banner of FutureSkills Prime to students and faculty members of universities and colleges in the Andhra Pradesh which was the first to launch this programme free of cost.
The online professional certificate programmes are being offered on AI, Blockchain technology, Big Data analysis, cybersecurity, cloud computing, Internet of Things, Robotic Process Automation, Web Mobile Development and Marketing, Virtual Reality ad 3D Printing.
The courses imparted to help enhance one’s business skills including problem solving, design thinking, continuous learning, project management, negotiation and influencing, product and programme management, digital leadership, communication and story-telling.
Those interested can register by logging in the portal https://lifeskillsprime.in. All courses are based on learning outcomes and will start with basics and take the learner through, ending with the certification level and each course is divided in modules with a final test for certification, jointly given by the Sector Skill Council of NASSCOM and AICTE.
“Credits will be allotted based on the number of hours prescribed for each of the certification course. The credits earned can be transferred to the mandatory academic credits and suitable methodology for credit equivalancy will be evolved by the university concerned,” explained Mr. Reddy, stating that the courses would be offered for free of cost till June 2021.

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Printable version | Nov 4, 2021 1:33:15 AM | https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/andhra-pradesh/apsche-offers-free-coursesin-emerging-technologies/article33573563.ece
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