August 2022 Events From the Ocean Beach Green Center – OB Rag


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OB Rag
Grassroots and Progressive views on local, national and world news
by on August 1, 2022 · 6 comments
in Environment, Ocean Beach
All events are online and free unless stated otherwise.
Every Saturday 10:30 am. Climate Mobilization Coalition Zoom Meeting  August 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th.  Keep up-to-date on climate issues and Climate Action events. To register email Jon Findley at  [email protected].  More info:
Help save Friendship Park  Sign the petition:   Friendship Park / El Parque de La Amistad is an historic bi-national meeting place on the U.S.-Mexico border. More info:    Javier Batiz, will play live at Friendship Parks 51st Anniversary concert August 20th Saturday.  Of course at Friendship park Playas de Tijuana. More details soon! Don’t miss the opportunity to see this great Rock legend. More info:
June 17th – September 7th “The Buses Are Coming.” This exhibition includes photographs, videos, AR experiences, and audio interviews that portray the role of the Freedom Riders in the Civil Rights Movement. Presented by San Diego African American Museum of Fine Arts More info:  and
August 2nd. Tuesday  6 pm – 7 pm   Biden: Declare a Climate Emergency NOW!  Event by San Diego 350  880 Front Street  San Diego 92101 Join SanDiego350 on August 2nd for a climate emergency rally and optional “die-in”.  We are joining hundreds of protesters across the country to demand  President Biden: Declare a climate emergency and advance environmental justice immediately! Demands:  Ban crude oil exports, Stop Foreign Fossil Fuel Investment, Roll out Renewable Energy and E-Transportation Infrastructure Now is our moment to capture the momentum around executive action and push the President to act on all of our demands! It is our job to hold him accountable to be the climate president and speed the end of the fossil fuel era.  More info:
August 2nd. Tuesday  2 pm – 5 pm City Hall Comment on San Diego’s Climate Action Plan Event by SanDiego350 More info:
August 4th Thursday 12 pm Oceans Stewards Spotlight  Event by Oceana in Southern California Watch our conversation with Alfredo Giron-Nava, an André Hoffmann Fellow at the Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions and the World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Using his experience in science, communication and displaying data, Alfredo co-founded dataMares which helps support sustainable fisheries management and reduces illegal, unregulated and unreported global catch. More info:
August 6th Saturday 11:40 am – 2 pm Protest @ Del Mar Race Track  Event by Ellen Ericksen Yes we are going back! We will meet at our usual spot inside the grounds to the entrance to the track to “greet” everyone! This is a disruption/educational protest for the horses. More info:
August 9th Tuesday 8 am – 12 pm Introduction to Zero Waste with Richard Anthony Event by Zero Waste USA
Interested in learning how Zero Waste has become a key component of community and business sustainability efforts across the US and the globe? Want to know more about the connect ion between Zero Waste and climate change, social justice and green jobs as well as the benefits to businesses pursuing Zero Waste?
Curious about Zero Waste planning and infrastructure as well as community and business certification? This lively 4-hour interactive class is for you! $100  Groups discounts available, as well as 2-for-1 scholarships.  Ask your friends! No one turned away for lack of funds.  More info:
August 10th Wednesday 6 pm  EVA meeting with guest speaker Event by San Diego Electrical Vehicle Association
This month’s guest speaker is Dr. Michael Stadler! Since July 2018 Dr. Michael Stadler has been the Chief Technology Officer of the San Diego based XENDEE Corporation, which he co-founded. In this position he successfully commercialized Microgrid and renewable design methodologies from the Lab environment…More info:
August 11th Thursday 10:30 am Fossil Fuel Free Pledge   Event by Climate Hub The event will be taking place in Mission Bay – that’s right, IN the bay, showing parts of our community will be underwater due to the climate crisis. Join us to say no to fossil fuel money and showcase the impacts of the climate crisis. To learn more about the pledge, please visit :   and
August 11th Thursday 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm The Global Energy Revolution: A Blueprint for a Clean, Prosperous, Zero-Carbon Future for All! Event by North County Climate Change Alliance Join us to hear how the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) is transforming the global energy system to secure a clean, prosperous, zero-carbon future for all! RMI is catalyzing rapid, market-based change in the world’s most critical geographies to be aligned to a 1.5°C future. Our presenter for this talk is Justin Locke, who is the managing director for RMI’s Global South Program, which includes three geographical programs covering small island developing states, sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia. In addition, there is also a focus on climate finance access via the Climate Finance Access Network, and work force development through the Energy Transition Academy. The Global South Program aims to accelerate the transition of developing and emerging economies from a heavy dependence on fossil fuels to a diverse platform of renewables and energy efficiency while establishing a blueprint for the global energy transition. More info:[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%7D]%7D
August 12th Friday 7 pm Climate Solutions Beyond Capitalism, National Speaking Tour Event by Party for Socialism and Liberation – San Diego San Diego Justice Center 7151 El Cajon Blvd. Suite M  San Diego 115 What could the world look like if we prioritized the planet and people’s wellbeing over profit?  Climate Solutions Beyond Capitalism, authored by Tina Landis, explores an anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist answer to this question with a sense of hopefulness that can be hard to find in most conversations about the issue. As part of a national tour, Landis will be making a stop at our very own San Diego Justice Center to speak on the key lessons of the book, which will then be followed by a Q&A session! Light snacks and drinks provided. We hope you can join us for what is sure to be an energizing and optimistic conversation about what regular working people CAN do about climate change. More info:
August 13th Saturday 10 am – noon Hands-on Workshop to Build your own SoloBee Bungalow Shelter  Emerald C Gallery 1331 Orange Ave, Coronado Join us in the gallery for a fun and fascinating workshop about the 700 species of San Diego Native Bees! Includes all parts to make one SoloBee Bungalow, plus an introduction to native bees and how to attract them to your shelter.  $75 More info:
August 13th Saturday 12 pm – 1 pm SoCal Youth RALLY: “Gov. Newsom, Stop, Drop and Roll on Oil Extraction!” Event by San Diego350 Bea Evenson Fountain next to the Fleet Science Center El Prado, Balboa Park San Diego 92101 On international youth day, the youth demand concrete climate action from Governor Newsom!  Join Southern California youth (and adults!) for this regional action in solidarity with a youth-led climate action in Sacramento! We demand that Governor Newsom STOP issuing oil drilling permits, DROP existing oil drilling permits and ROLL out 3,200 foot buffer zones between people and oil extraction sites.Inspired by SD350’s Youth v. Oil Campaign, which spearheaded these demands in San Diego through their resolution!
10-12pm: Art build and march to the Bea Evenson Fountain. Please find more information about the art build and march at this registration link:
12pm-1pm: We will gather at the Bea Evenson Fountain next to the Fleet Science Center at 12pm, continue our chants, and take photos to tag Gov. Newsom on social media! Please bring sunscreen, sun protective clothing, water, snacks, and money for lunch if you’d like to buy lunch in Balboa Park afterwards!
Contact:  Megan@Youth4Climate  More info:
August 13th Saturday 4 pm – 6 pm ASC’s Portal to Liberation 2 Year Anniversary: “A World Free from Police & Prisons” Event by Asian Solidarity Collective 6785 Imperial Ave, San Diego 92114 We will be featuring a powerful panel led by Asian American speakers from San Diego impacted by incarceration. Opening Speaker: Lon Chhhay Panelists: Capone, Kay and Sophat Moderator: Ree Obaña Light refreshments will be served  More info:
August 18 Thurs.  5 pm PICNIC and Learn About “Door of Hope”; The Ocean Beach Historical Society invites you to bring a PICNIC to this FREE Special Event and Learn About “Door of Hope”, Thurs. Aug, 18, 2022 at 5 pm, at Collier Park West (At Greene St. & Soto St., San Diego, CA 92107) Bring your own picnic Food & gear.
August 18th Thursday 4:30pm – 7:30pm Summer Social! a reading by Daniele Horton – Earth’s Climate Heroes. Event by Green Building Council WorldBeat Cultural Center, 2100 Park Blvd San Diego, CA 92101; $25 – $40  Please join us in celebrating the 10 year anniversary of our GAP program’s work in helping the WorldBeat Cultural Center earn its LEED certification! Come grab a snack and a drink as we enjoy summer with our wonderful community. Bring the whole family for a fun event with games, book reading and an exciting cornhole tournament!  More info:
August 20th Saturday 11 am – 1pm San Diego Fixit Clinic in Lemon Grove Event by San Diego Fixit Clinic Lemon Grove Public Library 3001 School Lane Lemon Grove 91945  We have been all too accustomed to the throw away lifestyle. If something doesn’t work, throw it out and buy a new one. Because of this behavior our landfills are filling at a rapid rate and electronic waste has become the one of the largest pollution generators. So why not learn how to fix it?! Bring your broken, non-functioning things: electronics, appliances, computers, toys, bicycles, clothes, etc. for assessment, disassembly, and possible repair. We’ll provide workspace, specialty tools, and guidance to help you disassemble and troubleshoot your item. Whether we fix it or not, you’ll learn more about how it was manufactured and how it worked. This is a family-friendly event: children are heartily invited! More info:
August 26th Friday 7 pm Whoopi & Alice:  Movie Night:  Let’s Talk Arab Jewish Black Event by Racial Justice Coalition outdoors potluck, must be fully vaccinated.  RSVP for directions  Whoopi Goldberg and Alice Walker:  What can and can’t we say about religion and race?  We will view a Whoopi Goldberg stand-up comedy video that includes a 10-minute segment on her visit to the Anne Frank House, with other shorts.  A discussion follows among Arab, Black, and Jewish San Diegans.  RSVP to Doris Bittar for potluck dinner coordination, address and directions:  [email protected] 619 787-8505  More info:
August 27th Saturday 11 am – 5 pm Women’s Equality Day Festival recommended by League of Women Voters Women’s Museum of California 404 Euclid Ave, San Diego 92114 Join the Women’s Museum of California to celebrate Women’s Equality Day! Women’s Equality Day commemorates the passage of the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. We  will celebrate gender equality and promote civic engagement. The festival will include performances, scavenger hunts, workshops, makers market, and more! Festival Highlights:  Appearances from Congresswoman Sara Jacobs, CA Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber, Assemblywoman Akilah Weber, San Diego City Councilmember Marni von Wilpert, Chairwoman of the Manzanita Band of the Kumeyaay Nation Angela Elliott-Santos, and former Congresswoman Susan Davis. More info:[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%7D]%7D
August 28th  Sunday 7 am – 11 am. 15th Annual Bike the Bay Event by San Diego County Bicycle Coalition Embarcadero Marina Park South 200 Marina Park Way, San Diego 92101 Ride from the comfort of your own saddle, at your own pace, on your own time.  $70 Proceeds benefit the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition, a non-profit organization dedicated to making bicycling better in San Diego.  More info:
August 29th Monday to September 1st Thursday National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference Event recommended by Climate Science Alliance St Paul, Minnesota or virtual The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) is excited to host the second Biennial National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC) which will be offered as a hybrid event to ensure that our relatives from across turtle island can join us whether in-person or virtually. As we did in 2020, we welcome all who are interested in participating or attending. This event will convene knowledge holders on climate change and resilience efforts with an emphasis on the intersection, inclusion and honoring of Traditional and Indigenous Knowledges.  $50 to $250  More info:  and
August 31st Wednesday 12 pm – 1 pm Achieving Your Zero Waste Potential Webinar – Event by City of Encinitas and Solana Center Join Solana Center for this 1-hour webinar where you will learn the basics of waste reduction, why it’s important, and how to keep at it even with our changing circumstances. We’ll dive deeper into the concepts of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and understand why they are said in THAT order. Participants will get practical tools to start reducing waste today!  More info:
August 31st Wednesday 9 am – 5 pm Comment on CAP and RDF at County Board of Supervisors Event by SanDiego350 Board Chamber (Room 310) of the County Administration Center 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego 92101   More info:
Upcoming events  Sept 17th Saturday  9 am – 3 pm  Sixth Annual San Diego Environmental Leadership Summit.  The theme: The Future of Conservation.  Event by Environmental Center of San Diego Fowler Ballroom  in the Parma Payne Goodall Alumni Center at San Diego State University. It will be an all-day conference for 125 leaders of environmental organizations in the San Diego Region.  The keynote speaker will be Dr. Jennifer Norris, Deputy Secretary for Biodiversity and Habitat at the California Natural Resources Agency.  Panel discussions will focus on the 30×30 Campaign and on engaging more young people in conservation action.  $35 includes vegan lunch.  A $6 parking pass is required to park on-site.  We recommend carpooling or taking the Green Line trolley to SDSU. More info:
Climate News:  Bill McKibben blog about new Climate legislation
To keep up to date on Women’s rights go to:   Women’s March San Diego  and They also recommend the following groups: Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Women’s March, MoveOn, UltraViolet, ACLU, the Liberate Abortion Coalition, SEIU, NARAL Pro-Choice America, United State of Women, and MomsRising
For Black Lives Matter and other communities of concern connections check out our list of social justice groups. Also many environmental groups are now embracing communities of concern, especially Climate groups that work on climate justice.  Go to “get involved page” for their links
An excellent source for events and credible information from local and national sources is  Peace San Diego  at
A good source for events related to climate change and sustainability issues is San Diego Climate Action Network
New events are always happening….please check for updates to the event list
Also visit our “get involved” tab for various group’s websites. Check their events page for their habitat restoration work parties, beach clean-ups, committee meetings, workshops, field trips etc.
{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }
I’m waiting for someone to comment about my Newport Ave artwork. Kathy B? Geoff? Mat? KH?
Like riding a roller coaster 🙂
Far Out EditorDude!
All right! Thanks. It’s more difficult than it may look to paste the images together.
Oh, thank goodness, I’ve been staring at it for an hour wondering if I needed serious help. But, what a relief when I scrolled down!
Frank, I like the use of the iconic Newport Ave. palms. Shows how lovely they are… even better doubled up.
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