Business workshops and networking at the Southern Vermont Economy Summit – Vermont Biz


Vermont Business Magazine Members of the business community are invited and encouraged to register for the Southern Vermont Economy Summit on May 12th at Mount Snow in Dover, VT. The Summit is a learning and networking event that focuses on the long-term development of Southern Vermont’s economy. It’s a time to gather, think big, learn something new, ask questions and — most importantly after two pandemic years — make energizing in-person connections with people from across our region and beyond.
A workshop on “Passing the Torch” will investigate business transition strategies and succession planning as an opportunity for both retiring business owners and aspiring young entrepreneurs. A panel of experts will be moderated by Alyssa Baldino, a local Emerging Leader who is in currently involved in purchasing a business in transition. The panel includes Tommy Vorio, Development Director, Ready For Next Cities (RFN), Tammy Richards, Business Broker, Country Business Inc., Debra Boudrieau, Area Advisor, VT Small Business Development Center and Matt Cropp, Executive Director, Vermont Employee Ownership Center.
In another session, Consultant Daniel Schoener will moderate a panel entitled “Recognize the Elephant in the Room: Preparing your business for changes and seeing opportunities.” Schoener is passionate about radical innovation and is an active mentor in the New England innovation ecosystem supporting upcoming startups in Diagnostics, Digital Health and Clean Tech. 
A key theme for this year’s Summit is creating welcoming communities. In session dedicated to creating welcoming and diverse workplaces, Summit participants can engage in a boots-on-the-ground conversation with area employers. Morning keynote speakers from Brattleboro’s new refugee resettlement office will speak on regional efforts to welcome people displaced from Afghanistan. Özge Savaş, of Bennington College, will provide a workshop on the cultural and psychological context for new Americans and how it feels to be restarting life in our community.
As always, a major focus for the Summit is community development and revitalization. National expert Daniel Herriges will offer two workshop sessions: “Housing for a Strong Town,” and “Jumpstarting Main Street.”  Herriges serves as Senior Editor and founding member at Strong Towns, an outstanding organization dedicated to revitalizing small and rural communities.
To close out the day, Summit attendees will enjoy topic-focused networking session, where all are invited to make in-person connections with speakers, sponsors, and colleagues from across the State and region – something we have been missing over the past two years. Find a complete schedule, workshop descriptions, profiles of expert speakers and presenters, and register to attend at:
The Summit is made possible by Summit Sponsor People’s United Bank along with Session and Keynote Sponsors Brattleboro Savings and Loan, MSK Engineering, and the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development, along with many other community sponsors. The Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation and Bennington County Regional Commission co-host the event on behalf of the Southern Vermont Economic Development Zone, and as part of the Southern Vermont Economy Project which helps build capacity, expertise, and resources within the Zone. The goal of the event is to build knowledge, momentum, and partnerships across our region. To learn more about past summits, view recordings and workshop presentation materials, visit

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