CBSE Class 11 Biology Syllabus 2022-2023 (New): Download Theory & Practical Syllabus in PDF – Jagran Josh


CBSE Class 11 Biology Syllabus 2022-2023 is available here for download in PDF. Check the new reduced syllabus to prepare appropriately for the CBSE Class 11th Biology Exam 2022-23.
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has ended the term-wise exams for classes 9th-12th. This means students would be required to sit for the annual examination at the end of the academic year only. The board released the syllabus according to the annual scheme of assessment only. We have provided below the CBSE Class 11 Biology Syllabus 2022-2023. Students with Biology must follow this latest syllabus while studying the subject. They should carefully note the unit-wise weightage and the prescribed contents to prepare for their CBSE Class 11 Biology Annual Exam 2022-2023. They should also complete their practicals according to the details mentioned in the new Biology syllabus.
Check CBSE Class 11 Biology (Code No.044) Course Structure 2022-23 below:
Theory Paper
Time: 03 Hours                                                                       Max. Marks: 70
Diversity of Living Organisms
Structural Organization in Plants and Animals
Cell: Structure and Function
Plant Physiology
Human Physiology
Also Check CBSE Class 11 Syllabus of All Subjects for 2022-2023 Session (PDF)
Unit-I Diversity of Living Organisms
Chapter-1: The Living World
Biodiversity; Need for classification; three domains of life; taxonomy and systematics; concept of species and taxonomical hierarchy; binomial nomenclature
Chapter-2: Biological Classification
Five kingdom classification; Salient features and classification of Monera, Protista and Fungi into major groups; Lichens, Viruses and Viroids.
Chapter-3: Plant Kingdom
Classification of plants into major groups; Salient and distinguishing features and a few examples of Algae, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae (Topics excluded – Angiosperms, Plant Life Cycle and Alternation of Generations)
Chapter-4: Animal Kingdom
Salient features and classification of animals, non-chordates up to phyla level and chordates up to class level (salient features and at a few examples of each category). (No live animals or specimen should be displayed.)
Unit-II Structural Organization in Animals and Plant
Chapter-5: Morphology of Flowering Plants
Morphology of different parts of flowering plants: root, stem, leaf, inflorescence, flower, fruit and seed. Description of family Solanaceae
Chapter-6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Anatomy and functions of tissue systems in dicots and monocots.
Chapter-7: Structural Organisation in Animals
Morphology, Anatomy and functions of different systems (digestive, circulatory,respiratory, nervous and reproductive) of frog.
Unit-III Cell: Structure and Function
Chapter-8: Cell-The Unit of Life
Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life, structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Plant cell and animal cell; cell envelope; cell membrane, cell wall; cell organelles – structure and function; endomembrane system, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi bodies, lysosomes, vacuoles, mitochondria, ribosomes, plastids, microbodies; cytoskeleton, cilia, flagella, centrioles (ultrastructure and function); nucleus.
Chapter-9: Biomolecules
Chemical constituents of living cells: biomolecules, structure and function of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids; Enzyme – types, properties, enzyme action. (Topics excluded: Nature of Bond Linking Monomers in a Polymer, Dynamic State of Body Constituents – Concept of Metabolism, Metabolic Basis of Living, The Living State)
Chapter-10: Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis and their significance
Unit-IV Plant Physiology
Chapter-13: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
Photosynthesis as a means of autotrophic nutrition; site of photosynthesis, pigments involved in photosynthesis (elementary idea); photochemical and biosynthetic phases of photosynthesis; cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation; chemiosmotic hypothesis; photorespiration; C3 and C4 pathways; factors affecting photosynthesis.
Chapter-14: Respiration in Plants
Exchange of gases; cellular respiration – glycolysis, fermentation (anaerobic), TCA cycle and electron transport system (aerobic); energy relations – number of ATP molecules generated; amphibolic pathways; respiratory quotient.
Chapter-15: Plant – Growth and Development
Seed germination; phases of plant growth and plant growth rate; conditions of growth; differentiation, dedifferentiation and redifferentiation; sequence of developmental processes in a plant cell; growth regulators – auxin, gibberellin, cytokinin, ethylene, ABA;
Unit-V Human Physiology
Chapter-17: Breathing and Exchange of Gases
Respiratory organs in animals (recall only); Respiratory system in humans; mechanism of breathing and its regulation in humans – exchange of gases, transport of gases and regulation of respiration, respiratory volume; disorders related to respiration – asthma, emphysema, occupational respiratory disorders.
Chapter-18: Body Fluids and Circulation
Composition of blood, blood groups, coagulation of blood; composition of lymph and its function; human circulatory system – Structure of human heart and blood vessels; cardiac cycle, cardiac output, ECG; double circulation; regulation of cardiac activity; disorders of circulatory system – hypertension, coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, heart failure.
Chapter-19: Excretory Products and their Elimination
Modes of excretion – ammonotelism, ureotelism, uricotelism; human excretory system – structure and function; urine formation, osmoregulation; regulation of kidney function – renin – angiotensin, atrial natriuretic factor, ADH and diabetes insipidus; role of other organs in excretion; disorders – uremia, renal failure, renal calculi, nephritis; dialysis and artificial kidney, kidney transplant.
Chapter-20: Locomotion and Movement
Types of movement – ciliary, flagellar, muscular; skeletal muscle, contractile proteins and muscle contraction; skeletal system and its functions; joints; disorders of muscular and skeletal systems – myasthenia gravis, tetany, muscular dystrophy, arthritis, osteoporosis, gout.
Chapter-21: Neural Control and Coordination
Neuron and nerves; Nervous system in humans – central nervous system; peripheral nervous system and visceral nervous system; generation and conduction of nerve impulse
Chapter-22: Chemical Coordination and Integration
Endocrine glands and hormones; human endocrine system – hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, gonads; mechanism of hormone action (elementary idea); role of hormones as messengers and regulators, hypo – and hyperactivity and related disorders; dwarfism, acromegaly, cretinism, goiter, exophthalmic goitre, diabetes, Addison’s disease. Note: Diseases related to all the human physiological systems to be taught in brief.
Download the practical syllabus from the following link to know the practical evaluation scheme and the list of experiments for the 2022-23 session:
CBSE Class 11 Biology Practical Syllabus 2022-2023 (Download in PDF)
Prescribed Books:
1. Biology Class-XI, Published by NCERT
2. Other related books and manuals brought out by NCERT (consider multimedia also)
Note: The content indicated in NCERT textbooks as excluded for the year 2022-23 is not to be tested by schools and will not be assessed in the Board examinations 2022-23.
Students may also download the full CBSE Class 11th Biology Syllabus in PDF from the following link:
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