Champion seeks $70k tax abatement | Navasota Examiner – The Navasota Examiner


At a Regular Meeting of the Grimes County Commissioners Court Wednesday, Dec. 1, commissioners reviewed a request for a tax abatement and a request to amend an existing 381 Agreement, taking action on one but not the other.
Navasota Grimes Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Johnny McNally ad vised receipt of an application from Champion Homebuilders, Inc. for an abatement of an estimated $70,459.29 in taxes.
McNally said, “They have purchased what was previously a mobile home, modular home, manufactured home factory in the Industrial Park in Navasota. They made the purchase of the property in June and started the initial conversations about tax abatement the beginning of October, and we received the official application yesterday along with the application fee.”
According to McNally, Champion purchased the building for approximately $4.5 million and propose to make $5.5 million in improvements, $2 million to the building and parking lot and $3.5 million in equipment and anticipate providing 275 jobs with 25% of those hires from Grimes County. Skyline has also discussed the Texas Enterprise Zone Program with the City of Navasota for additional tax relief.
Commissioners discussed the need to review the County’s abatement policy, combining it with the County’s 381 Agreement, and to assemble a committee to review Champion’s application.
The court then approved formation of a committee consisting of the county judge, the commissioner in whose precinct the project is in and representatives from the Navasota Grimes Chamber of Commerce and Navasota Economic Development Corporation. Resident Bob Leiber was appointed as the business representative and County Au ditor Jessi Murphy was added.
County Attorney Jon C. Fultz clarified that unlike an abatement in which taxes are not paid, under a 381 Agreement a business entity pays their tax and the County issues a reimbursement.
Battery storage prompts 381 request
Commissioners took no action on the request from Enel Green Power to amend the existing 381 Agreement for the Blue Jay Solar Project,
County Judge Joe Fauth said, “What Blue Jay is asking is to amend the 381 to include a $40 million battery storage to the project that they’re building in Pct. 1. To be quite transparent, comments to me were ‘Why would we consider that now at this point? Why wasn’t that part of their initial original agreement?’ The proposed ad justment is $40 million for the battery storage.”
County Attorney Jon C. Fultz noted the redline copy his office received contained numerous changes to the original 381 Agreement and urged consistency with regards to modifying existing agreements.
Fultz continued, “If the businesses have already made a decision to be here, you now have to justify to your constituents why these folks are being given, basically, a tax break when the decision has already been made to build a facility. I suggest you keep that in mind as you make a decision.”
Voting precincts get county OK
Commissioners approved redistricting of Grimes County voting precincts based on 2020 census data with Proposal A as the option of choice for voting precinct 3.
Elections Administrator Lucy Ybarra summarized changes within commissioner precincts, highlighting the absorption of Pct. 11 voters (Singleton) into Bedias, Iola and Shiro voting precincts, and the reassigned portions of the Pecan Lakes Estates and Stone Ridge subdivisions into voting Pct. 3. Before annexation into the City of Navasota, all or part of these subdivisions were in voting Pct. 5, an unincorporated area of Grimes County.
Commissioner Barbara Walker pointed out there were three proposals (A, B and C) for precincts 3 and 5, with Proposal A the best option for those residents eligible to vote in city elections. Ybarra emphasized efforts to “clean up” areas affected by annexation and alleviate voter confusion when it comes to ballot selection.
Ybarra said voters affected by voting precinct changes will be notified by mail. She reminded that Grimes County’s ‘supercenter’ status allows voting at any voting location.
Other court action:
•Approved Consent Agenda items which included the treasurer’s list of claims and bills, payroll, October monthly report, budget amendments and/or line-item transfers and audit reports of Jail Administration and Medical Reimbursement Program.
•Approved the addition of nine radios to the Grimes County 700/800 radio count for Iola VFD.
•After a public hearing with no comments against, approved the replat of King Oaks Section 3, lots 429 and 430 in Pct. 1 to 429R.
•Approved abandonment of 150 feet of the unused right of way on CR 164 south of CR 110 in Pct. 1.
•Rejected the Pct. 1 Brushwood Hill plat variance application and requested changing a lot line in order to comply with subdivision regulations.
•Approved three variance requests from REAGANCCI related to road width, ratio of lot sizes and drainage.
•Approved a variance request related to lot shape and orientation for the plat of Roans Prairie Park in Pct. 2.
•Received the Road and Bridge report.
•Approved the Interlocal Agreement between Walker, Madison and Grimes counties sharing the costs of the 12th District Court and authorize the county judge as signatory.
•Approved the Resolution Appointing the Grimes County Adult Sexual Assault Response Team as provided for in Chapter 351 of the Local Government Code.
•Approved the Contract for Vehicle Utilization and Transportation Services with the Brazos Transit District pending change related to insurance and contingent upon review of county attorney Jon C. Fultz.
•No action related to ARPA expenditures.
Burn Ban: The burn ban remains lifted.
Commissioners court may be viewed in its entirety at
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