Chapel Hill ISD offers free ESL, GED courses to adults – KLTV


TYLER, Texas (KLTV) – Chapel Hill ISD first offered free English as a second language (ESL) courses to adults last year.
This year they are adding GED courses to be able to offer to adults, as well.
The free English second language coursework and the GED program both allow parents go gain skills that will better help them assist their kids at home.
“A lot of the times, sometimes, it’s a language barrier that keeps parents from coming to our schools and be able to communicate with teachers about the success of their child’s academics,” says Jadwiga Mews, the Director of Bilingual and ESL Programs at Chapel Hill ISD.
Chapel Hill ISD is partnering up again with The Tyler Literacy Council to be able to offer the free courses.
“So we were very excited to hear that feedback and to partner up again with The Literacy Council of Tyler and bring that to Chapel Hill,” says Ellie Perez, the parent and family engagement coordinator.
The Literacy Council of Tyler provides the teachers and staff members, while Chapel Hill ISD provides the location and a childcare program while parents are taking the courses.
The English as a second language class and the GED program are funded through bilingual grant funds and a Title 3 grant fund that Chapel Hill previously received.
The new GED classes will be offered on Mondays and Wednesdays at Kissam Intermediate School.
The English as a second language course is offered twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays at Wise Elementary and then Tuesdays and Thursdays at Jackson Elementary.
To enroll in either the English second language course or the GED program, contact Maria Leon with Tyler Literacy Council at (903)-533-0330.
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