Class Central Starts Developing a Social Learning Platform for Open Courses – IBL News


IBL News | New York announced it’s developing a social learning platform for open courses.
Class Central Cohorts are our attempt to add a social layer to free online courses,” said Dhawal Shah, CEO and Founder of Class Central.
Currently, two courses are open to experimentation: Wharton Marketing and Dino 101.
A Class Central Cohort features three main components: an online course, discussion forum, weekly Zoom sessions, or live streams.
Class Central built a website where learners access the study schedule, upcoming streams and recordings, and Discourse forums.
Coordinators accept enrollments, create a study schedule, post announcements, and weekly updates, and create events (for Zoom sessions) that are sent to learners automatically.
The legendary Barbara Oakley, who has 4 million learners on Coursera, participated in the study groups as a student.

