Clearfield County AAA Offers Free Course for Family Members of Addicted Loved Ones – GANT News


CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging will be offering a free 12-week course for family members, 18 or older, in Clearfield County affected by a loved one’s Substance Use Disorder/Addiction. CNB Bank has provided the funding to provide this important outreach.
BALM, which stands for “Be a Loving Mirror,” is based on the fact that Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is a disease, and those with SUD are human beings, deserving love and support just as much as any other person.
As a family member of someone struggling with SUD, it is so important to model recovery, by regaining peace and calm, believing that the loved one can get well, and learning to contribute only to recovery, not the addiction.
The family role is vital and has the power to positively impact the loved one’s path. Research shows when the family gets well, the loved one has a much better chance at getting and staying well.
The brains of those with SUD are “hijacked” by a drug (believing it is needed to survive).  In turn, a family member’s brain can become “hijacked” and consumed with the loved one’s use, obsessed with trying to control or fix the problem.
Ultimately, family members in this situation can lose their own lives in the process.  BALM can teach family members to regain their own lives and be the best they can be to wisely support their loved ones.
A class is forming now and will start Saturday, March 12 at the CCAAA Administrative building, 600 Cooper Rd., Curwensville. 
The class runs from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. every Saturday morning for 12 weeks, and is completely free.  Anyone interested in attending must register by calling 814-765-2696 and ask for Bobbie Johnson. 

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