Colegio de Muntinlupa opens applications for new students – The Manila Times


The Colegio de Muntinlupa along Posadas Avenue in Barangay Sucat offers five new Bachelor of Science degrees this year: Architecture, Construction Engineering and Management, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Robotics Engineering. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

The Colegio de Muntinlupa along Posadas Avenue in Barangay Sucat offers five new Bachelor of Science degrees this year: Architecture, Construction Engineering and Management, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Robotics Engineering. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

THE Colegio de Muntinlupa (CDM) opened its applications for academic year 2022 to 2023, offering additional five programs in architecture and engineering.
CDM announced on its Facebook page the official call for applicants for the March 9 Online CDM Admission Test (CDMAT) via Canvas. CDMAT was free, and the deadline of online application was on March 8.
The following were the requirements for interested applicants: use of Gmail account in submitting the application, a photo/scanned copy of 2″x2″ colored picture in business attire with white background, merged PDF of grade 11 (1st and 2nd semesters) and grade 12 (1st semester only) cards (front and back), and a photo/scanned copy of the signature.
Applicants should have a grade of at least 85 in math, science and English. For high school graduates of the old curriculum, they should submit a photo/scanned copy of fourth year class card (Form 138, front and back). While for transferees, applicants should submit a photo/scanned copy of transcript of records or grade certification (front and back). Non-Muntinlupa residents could also apply to the engineering school.
Recently, CDM announced that it would offer the following new programs: Bachelor of Science (BS) in Architecture, BS Construction Engineering and Management, BS Environmental Engineering, BS Industrial Engineering and BS Robotics Engineering.
The programs were in addition to the existing engineering courses: BS Civil Engineering, BS Computer Engineering, BS Electrical Engineering, BS Electronics Engineering and BS Mechanical Engineering.
Muntinlupa Mayor Jaime Fresnedi invited aspiring engineering and architecture students from Muntinlupa and nearby cities to enroll in the programs offered by CDM.
CDM college administrator and former science and technology regional director Teresita Fortuna noted that the institution provided top-notch education on science and technology from esteemed faculty and integrated training with top-of-the-line industrial equipment.
