Coursera Announces New Features, Tools, and Learning Initiatives – IBL News


IBL News | New York
Coursera, Inc. (NYSE: COUR) announced this month a new set of tech features, tools, and learning initiatives.
Shravan Goli, Chief Product Officer at Coursera, listed on a blog post the following innovations, which will be launched this quarter:
Another remarkable innovation for educators is the possibility of migrating their existing content on edX and Open edX to their courses on Coursera via a new self-serve edX content ingestion tool. “Through this tool, university partner Dartmouth seamlessly moved 30+ courses to Coursera with minimal work for its program staff,” explained Shravan Goli.
Also in May, Coursera announced Career Academy intended for entry-level job-skills training.
Recent platform innovations included:
• LevelSets. A tool to help employees determine their proficiency in key skills and identify areas to focus on moving forward.
Currently, there are 60+ new LevelSet assessments across Data Science, Technology, Marketing, and Finance to assess learner skills proficiency to establish a baseline and personalize content recommendations.
• SkillSets. It provides content recommendations powered by data from millions of learners, choosing from a variety of skills and setting proficiency targets to establish measurable learning goals.

