Dayananda Sagar Institutions conducting free crash course | MorungExpress | – Morung Express


Registration on for CET, NEET, JEE, COMED-K exams preparatory classes
Bengaluru May 25 (MExN): The Dayananda Sagar Institutions (DSI), a Bangeluru-based comprehensive campus in higher education has announced a free crash course for CET, NEET, JEE, and COMED-K exams.
The DSI’s preparatory classes for the year 2022 are being delivered online from May 20 and will continue till June 15, informed a press release from the institute. 
The course covers the first and second Pre-University syllabus, besides weekly tests to monitor the progress of the candidates, it said. 
Classes of 90 minutes duration in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are daily and classes for Biology is held on alternate days, it added. 
The link to the online classes along with the timetable will be shared with the students once they register through the official website of Dayananda Sagar Institutions- (
“DSI which has been offering this programme successfully for the past 6 years believes in empowering the youth who are aspiring to get into good universities to crack the entrance exams with better scores,” the release said quoting Rohan Prem Sagar, Trustee & Board of Governors at Dayananda Sagar Institutions.
“The DSI preparatory programme prepares the students thoroughly with weekly tests and master tests, taught by experts, which will enable the students who are now preparing to write the KCET, NEET, JEE, and COMED-K to do well,” he said. 
"Our previous experiences have made us realize that students from all backgrounds are benefitted from these preparatory courses and I urge them to take advantage of this great opportunity” he further added.
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The Morung Express is a people-oriented alternative newspaper based in Nagaland that was conceived from the Naga people’s historical realities and is guided by their voices and experiences. It emerged from the well-recognized concept that the core of a free press is based on “qualitative and investigative” journalism. Ensuring this is essential for contributing to an informed Naga public that makes sound decisions on issues that affect all spheres of life.
