Free adult education classes in Colorado Springs help with workforce readiness and learning English – KKTV 11 News


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) – If you’re wanting to freshen up your workplace skills or get some practice on learning English, there are now free classes available in southern Colorado.
11 News spoke with Harrison School District 2 about their new adult education courses. Back in the spring, the district saw a high interest of their families wanting to learn English as a second language and basic adult education courses.
“Many of our families lost their jobs during the pandemic and so knowing that our families would need to maybe re-skill or up-skill some of their workforce readiness,” said Angie Outlaw of District 2.
The program began in August and already has about 70 learners. The majority of learners are in communities of color and are female, and more than half of learners are unemployed.
“We know that our families and all throughout the community in Colorado Springs… has suffered through this pandemic. Jobs have been eliminated,” said Outlaw. “We know many of them are working but maybe they’re not in a high-paying job and they are wanting to improve that and so they’re coming to freshen up some skills.”
Classes are in the morning and afternoon for two hours at a time. Parents can also utilize District 2′s new, and free, before- and after-school program for their kids while they learn.
“We have many students who have perfect attendance since this program started in August. We know this will help them recover from the pandemic,” said Outlaw.
Classes are open to all adults, not just those in District 2. Currently there is no waiting list to attend courses, but, if there was a waiting list, families in District 2 would get priority.
For more information, click here.
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