Google Developers – Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News


Google Developers
Rating: Very Good
Strong Points: Most courses are free to access and courses cover a wide range of topics
Weak Points: Some general education courses, but mostly, courses are centered on Google products.
Over the last decade, Google transformed itself from solely a search engine to a titan of web-based apps and services. If you want to learn more about customizing those services to suit your needs, or how to build out new tools, check out the resources available at the Google Developers website. The website includes hands-on courses which include lecture videos, code examples, and practice exercises. Many of the courses are based on Google products, such as Google Cloud and TensorFlow, but there are numerous courses available that cover more basic concepts, such as coding with Python or getting started with machine learning. In addition to courses, the website also houses communities where you can connect with other developers, including specific communities for students or for women in tech. Google Developers is a great resource for novice developers looking for accessible courses and for advanced developers trying to stay up to date on their skills.
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