Grayson College serves over 4,000 students nearing Adult Education and Family Literacy Week – KXII


DENISON, Texas (KXII) – Since July of 2020, approximately 4,000 students have enrolled in free adult education classes offered by Grayson College in Collin, Cooke, Fannin, and Grayson counties.
This milestone arrived just days before the annual Adult Education and Family Literacy Week, which is set for Sept. 18 through Sept. 24. The upcoming week serves as public awareness about the significance of adult education and family literacy.
Despite the growing demand for reading, writing, and basic math, these educational skills remain difficult to access for millions of adults nationwide, including 19% of Grayson County residents. According to a press release from Grayson College, the ProLiteracy organization claimed 43 million adults in the United States cannot read, write or do math above a third-grade level.
To prevent certain educational necessities from being an elusive target, Grayson College has used funding provided by the Texas Workforce Commission to improve these levels of competency for adult learners and help them prepare for life outside of school and meet the demands of today’s workforce.
“Our ultimate goal is that [students] go onto a higher education,” said Adult Education and Literacy Assistant Director Davina Ransom. “We are extremely excited. The teachers are excited, and that makes the students excited to see where they’re going to be going in life.”
Prospective students interested in earning their high school equivalency diploma, improving their English language proficiency, or simply seeking to refresh their skills in math and reading can enroll in Grayson College’s free classes at any time by calling (903) 463-8784 to make an enrollment appointment. Registration without an appointment is available Oct. 5 and Oct. 19 between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Interested students should simply walk into the Advanced Technology building on Grayson College’s main campus in Denison with an ID to enroll. Registration can be completed in various languages with Spanish-speaking staff available to assist registrants.
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