Harvard University offers 67 free online courses for those in quarantine – The Jakarta Post – The Jakarta Post


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Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Harvard University, a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is offering 67 free online courses for those who want to expand their knowledge and master new skills during self-quarantine.
Those interested in applying can simply visit the university's website and view the catalogue at online-learning.harvard.edu.
The courses range in duration from a week to 15 weeks, with subjects that include programming, health and medicine, social sciences, computer science, art and design, business and humanities and many more.
Read also: Harvard course helps rich millennials do good (and make money)
Although the classes are free, they require commitment from the online students. Once you choose a subject, a list of programs will appear as options, with duration, time commitment, pace and difficulty level specified.
After choosing a course, an application form must be filled out to get access to the course material.
Since the outbreak, many institutions and companies have been working toward keeping the public educated and productive through free e-learning initiatives. Among them is Tokyo-based optics and imaging products corporation Nikon, which recently launched free online photography courses that are available throughout April. (gis/kes)
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