How researchers can join the race to develop new ways of making meat –


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Nature Biotechnology volume 40pages 1414–1417 (2022)
59 Accesses
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The sustainable protein sector, which promises to create a better food system for the planet, is part of a growing industry with a lot to offer to young researchers.
Early and mid-career researchers can have a difficult time. Although academia is considered by many to be an enviable career, offering intellectual freedom, high levels of autonomy and the opportunity to push forward the frontiers of knowledge, the reality can be very different. Increasing pressure from teaching commitments, grant applications and administrative activities mean many researchers — especially those who do not yet have tenure — feel that their work is hypercompetitive1, psychologically overwhelming2 and inordinately busy3.
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GFI Europe, London, UK
Seren L. Kell
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Correspondence to Seren L. Kell.
The author declares no competing interests.
Reprints and Permissions
Kell, S.L. How researchers can join the race to develop new ways of making meat. Nat Biotechnol 40, 1414–1417 (2022).
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