I Paid $2,000 for an Online Course. Was It Worth It? – Entrepreneur


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Here are three lessons I learned from buying into a high-ticket community and why I believe paying for information is worth it.
When I was 18 years old, I bought my first high-ticket program. Before taking the leap of faith, I was highly skeptical of dropping $2,000 on an online course. This was a lot of money for me at the time. I could have put that towards savings, money to start a business, plus so many other use cases.
Before I backed out, I remember reading a few months ago about how the money will always come back. It may not come back immediately, but it eventually comes with work. After thinking about it for a few minutes, I said “screw it,” and took the leap of faith. I went into it with the mindset that I would never see that $2,000 again, but something interesting happened. Here’s what I noticed.
Related: Are Free Online Courses Worth the Time and Effort?
When you get something for free or pay a small amount for it, you will not value it. Because you don’t value it, you’ll often forget about it and not use it. In the past, I used to hoard tons of eBooks and bookmark tabs of YouTube videos full of helpful information, but I have yet to use them. They were full of value, but I needed to value them more in order to give them more of my time and attention.
When you pay a lot of money for something, you go into it with the mindset of at least breaking even. If you can make at least $1 with the new system or service you’ve purchased, all you have to do is rinse and repeat the process. Before you know it, you’ll see a return on your investment.
Paying a premium price for a service or product forces you to put in enough work upfront to start seeing results.
When I first bought my first high-ticket program, I quickly realized that everyone in this program had similar mindsets and achieved something big in the past career-wise. I have people within my network that fit these criteria, but finding them is challenging. Buying my way into a community instantly allowed me to tap into a pool of high-level individuals.
I accidentally discovered the power of buying into high-level communities a few years ago. I was meeting a friend at a house. As I was pulling into the neighborhood, I noticed that everyone within this neighborhood was very well off. Once I arrived at the place I was supposed to be, I was told that the neighbor to the right was the CEO of Delta’s house.
Growing up, I always thought buying expensive cars and houses was a waste of money, but they make great tools for buying into specific communities. These particular communities make it easy to cross paths with high-level people.
Even if you do not make money immediately with the new knowledge you have acquired, you now have a valuable skillset under your belt. Stacking skill sets is important because it prepares you for opportunities that may come your way in the future.
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Why pay X amount of dollars for that when you can just find the same information online for free.” While this is true, there is something powerful about making a significant upfront investment. Not only will it allow you to tap into valuable communities, but this investment will force you to learn a new skill. This newly acquired skill could make or break your career in the future.
Whenever I am debating buying a new high-ticket course, I always ask myself if this will help me learn a new skill or strengthen an existing skill of mine. Here is a list of the high-ticket programs I purchased in the past and the specific skill I learned from each one:
Creating a high-ticket course
How to sell anything, both low and high ticket
Credit card hacking and leverage
Selling over social media stories
Creating and growing a SaaS
Related: 15 of the Best and Most Unusual Online Courses for Entrepreneurs
There is lots of free information on the internet. I could have easily learned these skills with lots of trial and error, but buying into a high-ticket program allowed me to pick up these skills even faster.
Before making any significant investment, make sure you do your research. There are scams out there. But once you find the right high-ticket program/service that aligns with your goals, leap. Spending lots of money might be daunting, but as long as the program you’re buying into aligns with your goals and vision, you’ll definitely get your money’s worth. You still have to show up and put in the work, but you’ll be surprised at what could happen.
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