Join lululemon’s free MIRROR workout challenge – National Post


Get free access to MIRROR’s on-demand and live fitness classes from Dec. 30 to Jan. 17
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It’s no secret that we love lululemon. Aside from it being a huge Canadian success story, the brand makes such effective technical gear. For the first time since its founding in 1998, lululemon acquired another company, MIRROR .
Brynn Putnam, a former New York City Ballet dancer, introduced MIRROR in 2018. At the beginning of 2020, lululemon acquired the at-home, wall-mounted, virtual-streaming mirror. 
MIRROR was founded in the United States and made its way to Canada in the middle of 2021. We had the chance to give it a try and it’s incredible. It’s like there’s a little personal trainer in your mirror.
Like with other live-streaming devices, MIRROR, which is currently on sale for $1,245 from $1,895, works on a monthly subscription model ($49/month) to access the training in addition to purchasing the mirror itself. The subscription comes with lots of styles and levels of fitness classes, including yoga, high-intensity interval training, barre, boxing, dance cardio, meditation and strength training.
The MIRROR is great because it takes up minimal space, the classes are taught by talented instructors and the cost of the item makes you want to use it so you don’t feel guilty (in addition to feeling fantastic from fitness, obviously). 
For the first time, non-subscribers can trial lululemon’s MIRROR Companion App from Dec. 30, 2021, to Jan. 17, 2022. You don’t need the mirror to participate. We’ll be partaking in the 14-day fitness challenge starting Thursday, Dec. 30. Join me on Instagram @randimann and let’s keep each other accountable.
To kick off the challenge, I’ll be wearing lululemon’s Align Tank , Like a Cloud Bra and InStill HR Tight . Haven’t tried these pieces yet, so I’ll be sure to share my thoughts. 
Sign up by Jan. 17 and get two weeks for free. Get 14 workouts in 14 days from your phone, tablet, or smart TV.
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