Law enforcement training course available at no cost with scholarships at Mitchell Community College – Iredell Free News


Iredell Free News
Law enforcement training course available at no cost with scholarships at Mitchell Community College

Special to Iredell Free News
Mitchell Community College Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) program is now more accessible than ever thanks to local scholarship covering the student fee.
Mitchell’s BLET program – regardless of class type – costs $680, one of the lowest overall in the region. Students sponsored by a law enforcement agency qualify for a registration fee waiver ($180 value). Now, with the help of local scholarships, including a State Employees Credit Union scholarship, the remaining $500 cost may be reimbursed for eligible students.
“We are constantly working to make BLET more accessible to all types of students, whether a student is currently employed or taking coursework full time, whether they have experience in the field or not, whether they are able to cover the cost of classes or need assistance,” said program coordinator Todd Carver. “We are working to ensure finances do not create a barrier for students attending BLET.”
Carver noted that the program can even assist students with obtaining law enforcement agency sponsorship.
“We make introductions and connections that not only assist with class cost, but also establish professional relationships that may lead to later employment,” he explained.
The program boasts successful outcomes, with 90 percent of graduates being employed at the time of graduation and 95 percent being employed 90 days after graduation. BLET graduates also have unique opportunities to continue their education. Thus far in 2021, 60 students began a BLET course at Mitchell, with 37 students completing the program and sitting for the state examination. Thirty-six of those 37 (or 97 percent) passed the state exam on the first try.
“The caliber of the law enforcement professionals we consistently produce is a testament to the support we have received from the college and the community. Their partnership allows us to be innovative, thorough, and train with state-of-the art equipment, creating well-rounded law enforcement professionals,” said Carver. “We look forward to even more gains in quality training opportunities with a future new law enforcement training facility.”
Mitchell offers five BLET courses per year with a variety of scheduling to accommodate student needs. Individuals who are not working full-time can complete the course in one semester with the “day class” option. Students who are currently employed full-time can complete the course over two semesters with the “alternating/night class” option. Class formats are 768 hours of training, well above the 640-hour state minimum for training. In addition, all BLET classes are co-listed between Continuing Education and Curriculum to better meet student needs and goals.
Mitchell’s BLET program has two upcoming class opportunities – a “day class” option based in Statesville beginning January 10, 2022, and an “alternating class” option based in Mooresville beginning January 24, 2022.
To learn more about the BLET and law enforcement continuing education, visit or contact program coordinator Todd Carver at [email protected] or (704) 878-3253. For more information on all public safety training programs and courses, contact David Bullins at [email protected].
Mitchell Community College serves 9,000 students annually through a variety of curriculum, continuing education and workforce development programs. With campuses in Statesville and Mooresville, Mitchell offers quality, affordable education options to residents of Iredell County and the surrounding area. For more information, visit or call (704) 878-3200 (Statesville Campus) or (704) 663-1923 (Mooresville Campus).

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