Age group between 7 years to 13 years will benefit
This course will ensure children at home are given a direction to learn. Given there’s so much time at home, this course intends to create a platform to teach children in:
Developing a skill or capability:
–Ability to Self-Learn
–Ability to Teach Others
–Ability to talk with clarity
–Ability to Influence
–Ability to Include everyone in daily prayers
Children will:
•Learn by Doing
•Understand by Teaching
•Reading Blogs, Online Courses etc
•Listening to good talks
•Entertainment: YouTube
and other media
•Project Assignments
Expectation setting:
1.Children should take sessions seriously
2.Assignments and Challenges need to be completed on-time
3.Children should plan their day properly, include the below:
- Young students
- Age group between 7-13 years
- Children will benefit