Letter: Fetterman is perfect dystopian candidate – Reading Eagle


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Hollywood spent billions making dystopian movies in the early 2000s. The most recent generation of voters came of age watching “The Hunger Games” and other movies for such a time as this.
Enter John Fetterman candidate for U.S. Senate from the “traditionally minded” state of Pennsylvania. He usually appears in his costume of long shorts, basketball shoes and an oversized hoodie. His arms are decorated with cryptic black tattoos. The Democratic Party is pretending that Fetterman is more than qualified to represent Pennsylvania and be one of the 100 members of this august group of legislators, the U.S. Senate.
Don’t let his dystopian appearance fool you, Fetterman’s background is just as counterculture. He was raised by affluent parents and graduated from Albright College. His parents continued supporting his education with a master’s degree from Harvard University and gave him financial support until he was 47. After Fetterman’s 20 years of community service and some time as mayor of Braddock, the city’s crime rate is up and the population is down 30%.
Fetterman has supported policies that could free one-third of imprisoned felons; end the death penalty; decriminalize drugs; allow abortion on demand up to birth; and enforce environmental and social justice. If Fetterman is your candidate, welcome to dystopia.
Alan Marsdale
Oley Township
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