Martha's Vineyard News | Slavery – The Vineyard Gazette – Martha's Vineyard News


It is very much to be deplored that the subject of slavery in our country has become such a paramount interest in politics, as nearly to drive away from consideration other topics of general political interest, which the welfare of the country demands to be up for discussion. We ought now to take measures to remedy the present financial crisis and business embarrassment, and adopt measures to guard in the future against similar disasters. But, so embittered is the public sentiment upon slavery, and so zealous are unprincipled political partisans to secure their own private ends, that the derangement of business is traced by some to southern persecution of the North, and, at the South, there are those who proclaim that the northern fanaticism on slavery has brought upon us all our trouble. Now this is simply nonsense, and would not be worth a moment’s regard, except to indicate how radical is the hold upon the public mind of this absorbing and irritating matter. Banking, Tariff, Commerce, Fisheries, and the development of the resources of the country, ought to occupy the public attention, and men should be sent to Congress qualified to discuss these topics. We ought to have men of great sagacity, sound judgment, and practical acquaintance with affairs, in public life; but, when we propose such a man as Dr. Fisher to represent our district in Congress, who is so eminently qualified to discharge the duties of a legislator in a maritime and business nation like ours, we are called upon to select another man of no practical knowledge, and whose studies and pursuits have been purely literary and theological, because, the paramount influence of the subject of slavery in our national politics makes a demand upon party to send one of its own sectarian or partisan confederates, who may be, after all, no more opposed to the extension of slavery than one who makes less profession of interest for the slave and less noisy demonstration against the South, but, is, in reality, an ardent lover of freedom and would fight in the last ditch against any real aggression of the South. Green men, wholly unfit for practical duties to the country, are sent to Congress, while old, experienced, tried men, are set aside and driven to private life, by the ascendency which one hobby has obtained over the many great and practical subjects, which should be discussed.
It is quite time that a different state of things should ensue, if we desire large-minded and independent men and men of integrity to be at the head of affairs. The course pursued of late is suicidal, and, if we have no men in our legislatures and in Congress of large views and statesmanship, or, if their number and influence is growing less and less, the public mind should be aroused to the dangers which threaten our financial, commercial and manufacturing interests, by the too great occupation of the public mind with slavery, to the neglect of many vital interests of the country.
While upon this subject, it may not be out of place to state that Frederick Douglas[sic], the colored gentleman and orator, will lecture before an “Association of gentlemen,” at the Town Hall on Saturday evening next. We are not advised as to his subject, but suppose from his antecedents, that he will treat mainly upon this subject of slavery in our country. We hope the learned lecturer will aim more to enlighten his audience than to excite their prejudices against the South; that he will disappoint the expectations of those who can see good in nothing but agitation, by endeavoring to allay rather than excite hatred among the members of the States of the Union. Let peace and concord, and brotherly love, be his watchword, rather than that which leads to strife and all manner of evil. We learn that he will give two lectures or addresses next week.
