MSP offering free active shooter training classes | News | – WNEM Saginaw


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An active shooter can appear in any situation anywhere at any time and following the mass shooting at Oxford High School more agencies are offering active shooter training classes with hopes to prevent another tragedy.
An active shooter can appear in any situation anywhere at any time and following the mass shooting at Oxford High School more agencies are offering active shooter training classes with hopes to prevent another tragedy.
“We know that the citizens are on edge, and looking for answers, and how to react, and what to do if they’re ever caught in a dangerous situation like an active shooter,” said MSP Lt. Kim Vetter.
Vetter wants to let residents 18 and older know about free active shooter training taking place Wednesday night. The session will be held at the Bay Arenac ISD Career Center in the auditorium.
MSP will conduct CRASE training. CRASE stands for citizens response to active shooter events.
“Any public venue. It includes shopping centers, places of worship, malls, office settings, any place where the public gathers,” Vetter said.
Vetter said the training is scheduled to run about 90 minutes. She pointed out a few things’ attendees will be taught during the event.
“Be aware. Pay attention to your surroundings. Know where your exits are. Pay attention to people around you,” Vetter said.
Vetter said being able to identify some of the indicators of danger is one of the best things that anyone can do to stay safe. She said stopping an active shooter situation altogether is the best option.
“Report suspicious activity. If you see something, say something,” Vetter said.
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