OBC Non-Creamy Layer VS OBC Creamy Layer Income Limit & Eligibility – NVHSQ


OBC Non-Creamy Layer VS OBC Creamy Layer | OBC non-creamy layer Income limit: India is a country where people are segregated into different religions and castes. The caste system was very much prevalent during pre-colonial rule. The Government of India, made two different divisions of the OBC category; OBC creamy and non-creamy layer.
Read below, the difference between OBC-NCL and OBC-CL, how to apply for an OBC certificate and OBC non-creamy layer eligibility criteria with income limit, a document required and the online/offline process.
Full form of OBC is Other Backward class. OBC is a term that is used collectively by the government of India to identify or classify castes which are educationally or socially deprived and disadvantaged. Other Backward class is an official classification done by the government. Other classification consists of Scheduled Casts (SC) and scheduled tribes (ST). Though Schedule classes and Schedule tribes too avail the advantages presented to them by the government. Other Backward Class Category is divided into two categories namely creamy layer OBC and non-creamy layer OBC by the government of India.
Review of Gross Annual Income Limit for Creamy Layer- The Central Government is likely to revise the annual income ceiling upwardly for Creamy Layer in the OBC category. Any official update regarding the same will be updated soon.
If a total family income is less than the 8 lakh per annum limit, the family is considered to be in the non-creamy OBC category. That very family will be getting a certificate of OBC non-creamy layer. The person belonging to the non-creamy OBC category will be enjoying all the benefits and will be getting the relaxation of age in competitive exams as well.
If anyone falls under the category of non-creamy OBC category, they will be getting reservations while applying for government jobs or government posts. However, to avail of all these benefits, they will have to obtain a certificate that is called an OBC certificate. The certificate is valid in every state of India except for Tamil Nadu. The validity of the certificate is for one year, and it starts from the very day of receiving it.
Non-creamy layers have certain eligibility criteria to ensure that a right and the deserved candidate gets the certificate. Here are some points, which are looked upon while categorizing the people if they fall into the category of OBC non-creamy layer, or not.
Application Format for Non-Creamy Layer Certificate as suggested by NCBC- Click Here
Other Backward class creamy layer is a category of OBC, people belonging under this are better off or wealthier. They are way better than the other people belonging to the OBC category. The creamy layer OBC are better educated. Creamy layer OBC has an annual income of more than 8 lakhs per annum. OBC creamy layer does not get any benefit. They are treated the same way the general category candidates are treated.
The application for the OBC certificate can be done by both online and offline methods provided the person is eligible for the application.
You are required to attach these certificates and documents while applying for the OBC certificate
Note: In Case the beneficiary is minor then the parent’s ID proof is will be required as mentioned above.
The lower caste people had to suffer a lot because of these differences the upper-class people created to maintain a hierarchy. Keeping in mind all the sufferings these people have suffered so far was empowered by the Mandal commission. In early 1979, the government of Morarji Desai selected Bindeshwari Prasad Mandal to head the Second Backward Class Commission, directing to “identify the socially or educationally backward classes” in India. This commission proposed to give 27% Reservation to the OBC which resulted in 49% job opportunities for them in public universities and public services. 
Central Government is running various scholarship schemes and welfare programs for OBCs in India. Have a look at some of these schemes-
The Eligibility criteria for the scheme is given as: –
Using an OBC certificate, you can avail the benefit of the aforementioned schemes.
If you have any questions related to OBC non-creamy layer certification, application, or eligibility then you can ask us in the comment section below. One of our team members will help you in solving the question related to OBC non-creamy layer vs creamy layer topic
In the table given below, you may find the list of OBC categories state-wise: –
Testimonials like School Leaving Certificate, Income Certificate, Community Certificate, Ration Cards, address proofs, Identity proofs, etc. In case the applicant is a minor then the parent’s Id proof is mandatory.
Yes, if you want to apply online for a caste certificate you can do so by entering “Apply for caste certificate online” in any portal.
OBC NCL total family income must be less than 8 lakh rupees per year.
No, any people having income from agriculture or salary will not be clubbed for the creamy layer income limit.
There are a number of scholarships available for OBC students under different categories and some of them are given as: –
Pre-matric scholarship (for study in India only)
Post Matric Scholarship
Dr Ambedkar Pre and Post Matric Scholarship for DNT’s
Dr Ambedkar Post Matric scholarship for EBCs
National Fellowship scholarship for NF-OBC
Such candidates are eligible for Pre & Post-Matric Scholarship which are given as: –
Pre-Matric: Parents annual income from all sources shouldn’t exceed 44500/-
Post-Matric: this scholarship will be sanctioned to those whose family income should not exceed 1 lakh PA.

If you are looking to apply for such a scholarship then you will get detailed information about this at the Social welfare department of social justice and empowerment.

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