Poplar Golf Course Staying Open Due to Snow-Free Weather – FOX 21 Online


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DULUTH, Minn.- Poplar Golf Course in Wisconsin encourages people to take advantage of the snow-free weather and come out for a round of golf this weekend.
Golf courses in the Northland are usually closed this time of year due to the snow season. But with temperatures rising the next few days, the family-owned golf course is still open.
Poplar is one of the few golf courses still open as we move further into fall.
“Yeah, we figured since it’s gonna be nice this weekend—up in the 50s and all, people might wanna come out and get golfing,” said clubhouse employee Dan Wicklund. “And then we got fall rates and stuff right now, and I still have some carts available for people to use.”
Poplar Golf Course will remain open until mid-December, offering fall rates to golfers who want to get an extra round in before the heavy snow season.

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