Scholarship application opens for high school students taking Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment courses – KFVS


CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. (KFVS) – To assist high school students get a head start on college, they can take dual credit or dual enrollment courses. For those looking for financial aid, the scholarship application to help pay for said courses is now open for the fall 2022 semester.
The Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development (MDHEWD) launched the state financial aid program to reimburse students for the cost of dual credit and dual enrollment courses. The Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment (DC/DE) Scholarship will help cover the costs for students who meet program eligibility criteria.
To be eligible for the DC/DE Scholarship, students must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and a Missouri resident; have a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average; and have otherwise met the school’s requirements for taking dual credit or dual enrollment classes; students must also meet one or more of the following indicators of financial need: immediate family eligible for free and reduced lunch, living in a foster home, ward of the state, homeless as defined by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, immediate family receiving low income public assistance such as SNAP, WIC, etc., or living in federal subsidized public housing.
A dual credit course is a college-level course taught by a high school instructor to high school students who are earning both high school and college credit for the course. A dual enrollment course is a college-level course taught by postsecondary faculty to high school students who are earning college credit and may be earning high school credit, for the course.
Leroy Wade, the interim commissioner of higher education, spoke to his enthusiasm towards the scholarship’s release. According to Wade, it’s important for high school students to have a head start for college.
“We are excited to open this scholarship application to students who may otherwise be unable to afford taking college courses during high school. Taking the courses early gives students the opportunity for a head start and may be a motivation for students to continue their education beyond high school,” said Wade.
The application deadline for the fall 2022 semester is December 1. If students are taking dual credit or dual enrollment courses from more than one approved college or university, they can receive the scholarship at each one.
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