South & West Washtenaw Consortium to Host Open House & Business Showcase for Current and Prospective Students –


The 2022 SWWC Open House & Business Showcase will again bring educators and business leaders together to share insight, experiences, and the value of career and technical education (CTE).
There will be interactive areas for the students to participate in while they visit the classrooms/labs in which they are most interested. Business leaders are invited to be present to communicate employment opportunities for students, now and in the future, and answer questions regarding post-secondary options – for college and career. Representatives from Washtenaw Community College (WCC) will be participating as well. There will be a silent auction to support the SWWC student organizations which will include student projects and donations from area businesses.
The event is Thursday, December 1st, at the Saline High School from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. and presented by the South & West Washtenaw Consortium (SWWC) and the Saline Area Chamber of Commerce (SACC).
10th grade students from the six Consortium districts – Chelsea, Dexter, Lincoln, Manchester, Milan, and Saline are invited to attend with their families. Current 11th and 12th grade students from the six SWWC districts enrolled in SWWC programs and their families are also invited to attend. Businesses who register for the SWWC Open House & Business Showcase at the Open House and Business Showcase Registration Link are able to arrive to set up as early as 4:00. From 5:00 – 6:00 participating businesses who register will enjoy a networking event with food and refreshment provided by the SWWC Culinary program.
10th, 11th, and 12th grade students may arrive at 6:30 pm and engage with business/industry leaders who will be present along “Business Row”, where students and families may speak with representatives who will share information regarding their company, employment opportunities for students while in high school (such as paid internships within their organization) along with employment opportunities following graduation from high school with a certificate or license and after completion of a two-year and/or four-year degree.
Following a 10 minute break (7:25 – 7:35 pm) students, parents/guardians, and business/industry leaders will move to the classroom/labs. Participants may visit more than one program (classroom/lab) during this period of time. This offers an opportunity for students and parents to venture to the classroom/lab that most interests them or in which they are currently enrolled. Business/industry leaders, aligned with a CTE program, will be present in the classrooms/labs. They will have the opportunity to discuss the state of their respective industry as well as potential employment opportunities with participants.
The goal of this event is to promote the SWWC CTE opportunities and connect 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students from Chelsea, Dexter, Lincoln, Manchester, Milan, and Saline with local business/industry. Parents and students will gain a better understanding of the earning potential, options for further education, and communicate with different local businesses regarding employment opportunities now and in the future.
“The SWWC CTE classes are more than just reading out of a textbook. The classes are hands-on and reflect the real world applications we will experience! I encourage any student that is interested to come to the event, check out the numerous programs available, and see what opportunities await you” ~ Current Student – SWWC
“I receive numerous phone calls each week from a variety of industries asking for employees. It is the intent, through this event, to have business leaders meet with students to describe various career paths and opportunities. At the same time, parents can be informed and involved to support their child with a promising career path, to college and career, that in turn benefits the community as a whole – now and in the future.” ~ Ryan Rowe, Executive Director – SWWC
The investment of being a part of this event for a company is actively planning and articulating career paths and opportunities to potential employees now and in the future.
Prepared. For College and Career.
All information related to the Showcase can be found at:
