Spring Professional Development Opportunities | Latest | NDWorks | University of Notre Dame – NDWorks


Campus news for faculty and staff
by Emily Knouse, Human Resources
February 22, 2022

Whether you’re seeking to deepen your expertise and effectiveness or harness your leadership skills, we offer unparalleled professional development to our staff and faculty so they can develop their inner champions and build their careers. We’re excited to announce our program offerings for the spring, as well as provide a few reminders about all the resources available to you.
Register for spring learning opportunities
Explore spring learning offerings on the professional development section of our Human Resources website. We’re offering both previously featured programs that are back by popular demand and new ones that cater to what we’ve heard campus wants. 
Manage your goals, learning, and development in Endeavor
With the Endeavor dashboard, it is easier than ever to check in on your goals, view past training and upcoming courses. You’ll receive more targeted support through the dashboard and learn about upcoming events and programs.
Take advantage of one of our Signature Programs – the Learning at Work Academy
The Learning at Work Academy is a multi-approach education program designed to encourage personal and career development to enhance individual success while strengthening the talent base for the University and the larger community. Instruction is provided conveniently in Notre Dame facilities.
Our English as a New Language (ENL) and High School Equivalency (HSE) classes start next week. Learn more about signing up for the English as a New Language and High School Equivalency classes!
Additionally, the programs in Business Administration through Ivy Tech Community College offer rolling admission. Find out more about obtaining an Associate Degree of Applied Science in Business Administration (2 years) or Technical Certificate in Business Administration (1 year).
Sharpen your skills with Udemy
Udemy is an online, on-demand, self-paced learning platform that is integrated with Endeavor. It offers a wide variety of individual online courses and can be a great option if you’re interested in learning something new, supplementing your professional development, or enhancing a skill set. Now is the time many of us are working towards determining our individual and divisional goals, we have included a few Udemy courses that touch on this subject. We invite you to try these online and on-demand courses!
Professional Development Flyer
Originally published by Emily Knouse at hr.nd.edu on January 26, 2022.
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