Stockraze | A Pseudo-stock Market Simulation By NMIMS – Youth Incorporated


Stockraze is a pseudo-stock market simulation that is organised by Colloquium, the business and management cell of NMIMS’ MPSTME. The sixth edition of Stockraze was held between 13th-15th December. Stockraze gives its participants the opportunity to explore the financial markets and hone their skills in a risk-free manner by trading virtually along the live stock market with a fun competitive curve. The participants of the event range from stock trading novices to experienced traders who wish to brush up on their investing skills. This year, Stockraze was conducted on a much larger scale and reached 1800+ participants registering in over 860 teams.
Stockraze was conducted in an online mode, made possible with the support of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) IPF’s contribution to nurturing young investors and its platform partner NeoStox. Over the course of three trading days, participants would form teams and invest in stocks belonging to the National Stock Exchange (NSE). At the end of the third day, the team with the highest cash in hand along with the highest profits made won from a prize pool of ₹55,000 with so many more offers, gifts, vouchers and goodies for all the participating teams as well. To enhance the experience and harbour the spirit of investing, Colloquium collaborated with companies like Tickertape, FundFox LLP, Finology One  to provide free access to subscriptions and courses that will aid our participants to make well informed investment decisions through data, analytics, predictions and much more.
Apart from Stockraze, Colloquium organises multiple events pertaining to the realm of business and management and has the sixth edition of Bizzneeti coming up soon that targets to give new startups and business ideas the boost it needs to sustain in the real world.
Bizzneeti is a national level business competition that aims to set in motion an interaction between industry experts of today and the change makers of tomorrow to promote more start-ups by providing a platform for youngsters to seek exposure, interact and learn from the best. It is listed among the Top 10 B-Plan competitions in the country.
It opens the floor for young entrepreneurs to present the business idea to a panel of angel investors in 3 comprehensive phases being judged on the grounds of their unique ideas and intricate plans. These all-inclusive phases will test everything to its last detail – idea, originality, research, monetary aspects, economic strategies, feasibility- to weed out the best. At the summit of the event, the best teams get to pitch their ideas to highly accomplished angel investors with the additional chance of getting funded if an investor is sold on a promising business. All details and information related to Bizzneeti will be released soon, so stay tuned to our Instagram handle
