Storytelling celebration will be online for all to watch – The Storytellers of San Diego would like to mesmerize you with their varied and intriguing tales. An upcoming free event known as Tellabration celebrates the professional skills of skil… – San Diego Community News


The Storytellers of San Diego would like to mesmerize you with their varied and intriguing tales.
An upcoming free event, known as "Tellabration," celebrates the professional skills of skilled men and women who have honed their inflections of voice, facial expressions, and more to present memorized tales designed to entertain their audiences and showcase the art of storytelling, once a popular form of entertainment.
While similar sessions will be taking place worldwide, the local group is inviting you to view their session over the Internet during two sessions Nov. 13 and 21. The stories are suggested for ages 12 and older.
Stories will span the gamut of folkloric, personal, and literary topics with many telling styles represented, some with musical accompaniment and even a shadow puppet story.
The Nov. 13 session will be part of a worldwide simultaneous storytelling event taking place from 4-6 p.m. Tellers will include Marilyn McPhie, Eric George Tauber, Dr. Almena Mozon, Jim Dieckmann, Aunt Li-Anne, Arlyn Hockett, Tania Yager, and OJ Mozon, Jr. 
Then, on Nov. 21 San Diego and Sacramento tellers will join for a special event beginning at 3 p.m. Featured storytellers include Linda Sue Whiteside, Fred Laskowski, David Schmidt, Patti Christensen, and James Nelson-Lucas from San Diego. From Sacramento Dave Tarvin, Gloria Jones, Karen Daly, and John Petrik will appear.
Zoom links are required for either or both events and can be found on the Storytellers of San Diego's website at
