Swiggy Helps Gig Workers, And Their Children, Get A Free Skill-Based Education – thebothsidenews – The Bothside News


On Tuesday, the online food delivery service Swiggy unveiled a new project that will provide thousands of delivery executives and their kids with free educational possibilities. Swiggy and Khan Academy, a nonprofit educational organisation, have joined to offer courses and certificates through Swiggy’s “Skills Academy.” In order to assist kids of delivery partners in developing their reading abilities, the organisation has also teamed up with Google to use Read Along, a speech-based reading programme.
Girish Menon, Swiggy’s Head of Human Resources, said, “With Swiggy Skills, we have taken a step in fulfilling our obligation towards our executives with the emphasis of creating an opportunity for their growth and progress.” The academy will provide instruction in non-functional areas such spoken English, time management, personal grooming and cleanliness, computer use, personal finance, and mental and physical health.
According to the business, Swiggy Skills Academy offers educational support to up to 30,000 kids, as well as young siblings, nieces, and nephews of delivery partners. The Swiggy Skills Academy already has 24,000 kids enrolled in just a few days after its debut.
(source : IANS)
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