The Best Access Management Courses on Coursera – Solutions Review


Your organization needs to ensure that only authorized users and employees can access your systems at all times. Without the proper tools and employee training in place, your company could be opening itself up to attacks from harmful actors — and they can create a massive headache for your business. Online courses and training are great resources who those who want to learn more about access management.
With this in mind, the editors at Solutions Review have compiled this list of the best access management courses on Coursera to consider taking. This is not an exhaustive list, but one that features the best courses and training from this trusted online platform. This list of the best access management courses on Coursera below includes links to the modules and our take on each. Courses are listed in no particular order.

This course empowers students, professionals and the wider community to deal with cybersecurity attacks and risks focused on identity management and it is an introduction to the upcoming full course focused on cybersecurity awareness. It provides a practical overview of challenging issues like identity credentials management and security, e-mail threats and web impersonation, or web hacking. In addition to this, you will have a practical appreciation of innovation applied to these concepts through an interview with a renowned expert in fraud and cyber-crime.
“The Access Controls Course provides information pertaining to specify what users are permitted to do, the resources they are allowed to access, and what operations they are able to perform on a system. Access Controls help managers limit and monitor systems use at a user level or group membership. You will understand the different access control systems and how they should be implemented to protect the system and data using the different levels of confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
This course will introduce you to the foundations of modern cryptography, with an eye toward practical applications.
The goal of this course is to provide you with foundational knowledge and skills that will enable you to grow in your use of both AWS IAM and the rest of the AWS ecosystem. Throughout the course, the focus will be on the base-level knowledge needed for understanding the functionality of IAM, and simple ways to implement its usage.
We start by introducing you to some background concepts needed to understand how and why identity and access management are necessary, and then go on to show you the first level of AWS IAM components. Through the rest of the course, you will see deeper dives into those and other concepts. The class closes by providing best practices and troubleshooting tips and tools.

In asymmetric cryptography or public-key cryptography, the sender and the receiver use a pair of public-private keys, as opposed to the same symmetric key, and therefore their cryptographic operations are asymmetric. This course will first review the principles of asymmetric cryptography and describe how the use of the pair of keys can provide different security properties. Then, we will study the popular asymmetric schemes in the RSA cipher algorithm and the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange protocol and learn how and why they work to secure communications/access. Lastly, we will discuss the key distribution and management for both symmetric keys and public keys and describe the important concepts in public-key distribution such as public-key authority, digital certificate, and public-key infrastructure. 

Download Link to Privileged Access Management Buyer's GuideDownload Link to Privileged Access Management Buyer's Guide

Download link to Identity Access Management Buyer's GuideDownload link to Identity Access Management Buyer's Guide

Download link to SIEM Buyer's GuideDownload link to SIEM Buyer's Guide
