The Closer on Netflix – Some valuable lessons with a pinch of transphobia – Modern Diplomacy


Since the last few weeks there’s been a mounting backlash against Comedian Dave Chapelle’s Netflix Special The Closer which debuted on October 5th. The controversy erupted as some people alleged that the show was extremely transphobic & anti-women. Even the employees of Streaming giant staged protests & demanded the content must be removed from the platform. The comedian in a video message remained unapologetic & defended the act. He said, “…. do not blame the LBGTQ community for any of this shit. This has nothing to do with them. It’s about corporate interests and what I can say and what I cannot say”.
To understand what’s behind the controversy, I took a shot to watch it myself. Surely, it’s neither as enlightening as Hannah Gadsby’s Nannet nor even wittier like Ali Wong’s Stand-up specials on Netflix but indeed his performance is not junk. Here’s my interpretation of The Closer. What it has got right & where it gets problematic.
Advantage of Being White
In the stand-up, Dave mentioned a real life incident about the white gay man at the table saying crap to him like he had a right to & then lastly whipping out his phone to call the cops.
The BLM movement after George Floyd’s death has shed light on the issue of internalized racism & cases of police’ brutality especially against Black & the people of color in the United States.
 He further added that “gay people are minorities, until they need to be white again”. This cannot be rebuked as mere nonsense. In 2019 Law enforcement agencies was called out in California for their negligence & reluctance to act on time, which if they did could have saved the life of two black gay men who were sexually exploited by Ed Buck & later  died due to drug overdose that was offered to them in exchange for sex.
It is not only limited to handful of  episodes, there are multiple account that highlights American society’s indifference for black life & racial discrimination faced by Black queers on online dating apps, gay bars & other virtual/physical interactive space at the hands of white queer folks. Their stories need to be listened to understand the unhealthy power dynamics that exist in LGBTQ community. This also serves as a reminder for white gays to realise their privilege of being white & make sure not to use it against other marginalized groups.
Racism overshadowed by LGBTQ movement
The comedian mentioned American rap singer DaBaby. In 2018 he allegedly killed a 19-year-old black boy at a Walmart Store in North Carolina. He faced no charges & his career has gone through the roof. In August this year at the Rolling Loud festival in Miami the singer passed several homophobic slurs & as the consequence DaBaby has been dropped from the major events including  Lollapalooza lineup in Chicago & the  City Limits Festival in Austin.
Although there’s no scientific study to conclude the fact,  this specific incident is a symbolic representation that shows being transphobic could cost you your career & reputation but taking someone’s life is okay because that life is not worth to be saved in America.
It must not be an exaggeration to state but living as a white gay man is comparitavely less challenging than surviving as a black person in US. Because the question is , as Dave puts it “Why is it easier for Bruce Jenner to change his gender than it is for Cassius Clay to change his name?”
Fallacy of Women’s March
In the act Dave mentioned about his black friend Anj’s disinterest to take part in Women’s March. In the first instance, his mocking of Women’s March seems absurd & an appalling faux pas but his arguments are not without substance.
In a new research published by the APA (American Psychological Association) Observes, “Social Justice movements engaged in fighting state violence actually work to reinforce the unique brand of racial & gendered harm that befalls Black women ”. Why part of the question is equally astonishing, that is because black women do not fit in the definition of a typical woman & are viewed more similar to black men than white women.There are prominent examples of feminist mobilizations like campaign for Women Suffrage Movement & Equal Rights Amendment  that entirely excluded the concerns of Black women because they are considered lower on the femininity dimension than white counterparts.
The organizers of the Women’s March in US has portrayed this movement to be an inclusive platform for intersectional feminism but the   allegations of anti-semitism & tokenism by Jewish & Black women respectively can prove to be a major setback. Therefore the imperative should be on the advocacy for the rights of all women otherwise it’ll go down in History as a wasted effort that failed to bring social change for everyone.
Cancel Culture & Wokeism
During the closure of his act, Dave called out the toxicity of Cancel Culture which led to sucide of his transgender friend & fellow comedian Daphne Dorman who killed herself after being bullied by online troll armies that targeted her for defending him against admonishment after some of his jokes in the set were dubbed  transphobic.
In July of last year prominent academicians, tv presenters, journalist & Author wrote a public letter titled “A letter on Justice & Open debate” which was published by Harper Magazine. The signatories included many personalities of left liberal discourse like Noam Chomsky, Historian Mia Bay and  Author Margaret Atwood. The letter was more a kind of introspection among thinkers that reflects on shared concern about their own  tribe. Most of them agree with the fact that the left is inheriting the deadly & contagious disease from the political right which is blocking free exchange of ideas & thinking. It is turning itself into a closed & shrinking eco chamber where only a specific set of values are welcome & if you chose to disregard or show disloyalty of any proportion the implications are jarring. The left is losing its ground by filtering out even valid & constructive criticism. To become more relevant their culture needs to provide safe space to dissent & free speech so as to not engage in the same harms towards the liberal democratic vision that they are charged with combating.
For countering the hate speech , solution proposed by ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) might be considered  “As far as  racist, misogynist, homophobic, and transphobic speech is concerned, more speech & not less  is the answer most consistent with our constitutional & democratic values.”
The problematic issue in The Closer has been discussed to a great length.Ignorance could be fatal if you get a medium like Dave Chappelle & he must not be discounted for his jokes on LGBTQ people or his unconditional support of transphobic statements by J.K. Rowling.
In his previous acts & now in Closer he has missed no chance to invalidate trans/non- binary/gender fluid etc by twisting the social construction of gender into an obnoxious debate of “why does it matter”. Misusing one’s social clout to blab irresponsibly & calling “gender a fact”, defeats the purpose of understanding the intricacies & diversity of gender studies & becomes a pedigree of hate against LGBTQIA+ community due to propagation of misinformation on race,gender identity & expression, sexual orientation. That is a fact.
The only way to deal effectively with a pandemic is socialistic
Author is a hobbyist writer who has graduated in Economics & is currently a sophomore in the B.Ed program.He’s not on socials to protect his mental health, but the author can be contacted at ajitsinghmarch6[at]
The only way to deal effectively with a pandemic is socialistic
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The two extremes of ideology are libertarianism (anarchy) versus government (socialism). (Pure embodiments of either are rare if not non-existent.) A democratic government represents the public; an aristocratic government represents the wealthiest 0.1% as its actual dictators and beneficiaries. The two types of libertarianism are: the pure form, in which everyone is free to destroy everyone else, and the limited form, in which ONLY the wealthiest (that richest 0.1%) privately hire agents to deceive and otherwise control everyone in the poorer 99.9% of the population (and this is only nominally different from having an aristocratic government, a governmental — as opposed to ‘libertarian’ — dictatorship). 
The covid-19 pandemic has tested all governments and clearly shown that a strong relationship exists between a government’s success at limiting the virus’s spread, and the degree to which the government has applied socialistic (or governmental) controls to reduce its spread. The most-libertarian regions have had vastly higher numbers of cases and deaths from the virus than the most-socialistic regions have had.
The most-comprehensive website on the covid-19 numbers globally and nationally is whose column headed “Tot Cases/1M pop” shows the number of cases per 1 million residents in each country. A click onto that column-heading ranks all 222 reporting countries (or regions, such as Taiwan) (plus two cruise-ships) in order from the most-infected down to the least-infected; and a double-click on it ranks them from the least-infected up to the most-infected.
The present report is based upon that website’s numbers as-of the morning of December 13th.
The 8 nations (or regions) that are listed among the least-infected ten (with the cruise-ships having had 0 cases and thus being #s 1&2) all have below a million population except for the world’s most-populous country, China, which clearly ranks #1 as being the pandemic-safest country (other than those tiny countries), the country that has had the biggest success at dealing effectively with covid-19. China has had 69 cases per million residents. By contrast, the world’s worst performers, among countries with populations over a million, have been: #221 Georgia, #219 Czechia, #218 Slovenia, #216 Lithuania, #215 Estonia, #213 Netherlands, #212 Belgium, #209 Croatia, #208 UK, #207 Bahrain, and #205 USA, all of which have had extremely libertarian policies on the pandemic.
USA has thus far had 152,188 cases-per-million, which is 2,205 times higher than China’s 69 cases-per-million. (Georgia’s 223,929 cases-per-million is 3,245 times as high as China’s.)
All of the worst-performing countries have taken, overall, a far-more-libertarian-than-normal policy-approach to the pandemic. China has probably taken the world’s most-socialistic policy-approach to it. Some countries, such as DRC Congo, have reported very low case-rates but have untrustworthy reporting. Other than China, whose reporting has been reliable, only #19 (the 17th-lowest of all countries), Taiwan (which is actually a region of China) is at all near China’s: it is 701 cases-per-million.
The best performance among U.S.-allied countries has been by New Zealand, #40 (or #38 not including the two cruise-ships), at 2,596 cases-per-million. That is also the most-socialistic of U.S.-allied countries. America has had 58.6 covid cases for every one covid case in N.Z. However, N.Z. has had 37.6 cases for every one covid case in China. So: in this sense, N.Z. is a little closer to China than it is to U.S. On December 13th, RT headlined “NZ says ‘yes’ to 25-person orgies as part of new Covid rules”, and indicated that NZ’s head-of-state, Jacinda Ardern, is remarkably libertarian in the extent to which she supports sexual freedom between consenting adults, but she is so very intelligent that she calibrates this freedom in the context of the current covid-infection data so that public health (which is a socialistic concern) remains the higher priority. By contrast, America, ever since its Pilgrims, is socialistic in all of the wrong ways. 
China’s unemployment rate has consistently, every month, been below 6.25% throughout the pandemic, whereas America’s peaked at 14.7% in April 2020 and declined to 6.7% by the end of that year. So, even from a strictly economic standpoint, socialism was more effective than libertarianism was, during the pandemic. The same was also true in other countries.
Previous articles that I have done on libertarianism-v.-socialism regarding public-policy responses to this pandemic have been here and here and here and here; and, in each analysis, the result has been the same, though the data were at different times and concerned different specific countries. Also, NPR, on December 5th, did a detailed analysis of America’s state-by-state comparisons, “Pro-Trump counties now have far higher COVID death rates. Misinformation is to blame”, and Trump-voters were far more libertarian than Biden voters were (even though Biden is more of a libertarian than a socialist, when compared with heads-of-state around the world).
The pandemic-evidence is overwhelmingly showing a greater anti-pandemic policy-effectiveness in socialistic regions than in libertarian regions. To put that finding in another way: pandemic-control is even more of a public-health matter than it is a private-health matter. Any scientifically oriented society will handle it that way — because that’s the way it is. 
While the perceived ‘Red Scare’ following World War II on the fear of the potential rise of communism, anarchism, and other leftist ideologies infiltrating and subverting U.S. society and the federal government led to hysteria; today the fear of the pandemic undermining freedom and liberties in the U.S. and western democracies is very real. The ‘Omicron Scare’ has neatly become the variant of hysteria further leading from a narrative built on a dystopian society to that of a quasi-Marxist utopian civilization.  
Due diligence to investigate the omicron variant is required instead of the unwarranted and erratic decisions to manifest further lockdowns, mandates, blame, and travel bans unless of course there is a eminent plan of oppression being advanced. Officials keep telling us to follow the science; and yet governments around the world decided to ‘act beyond an abundance of caution’. If we gave this some thought, omicron may be just what we need – a variant that mutated from a more deadly Delta variant and produces very mild cold and flu symptoms where it simply becomes the dominate variant with little to no deaths or impact on humanity.
Dr. Angelique Coetzee, the South African doctor who informed the world of the new variant, was bewildered to see the world turned upside down over a virus where no one dying, mild symptoms, and those already vaccinated being infected. Coetzee said, “I have been stunned at the response. No one has in South Africa has been hospitalized with the omicron variant, nor has anyone believed to have fallen seriously ill with it.”
The initial reaction by the rich nations of the world was a travel ban on South Africa and five neighboring countries. One of the countries, Namibia, a country with 2.5 million inhabitants, had no omicron cases and only 400 total reported COVID cases, was blacklisted in the travel ban yet northern European countries with numerous omicron cases were still allowed to travel to countries that were banning African travelers.
I am far from woke in making everything racist, yet I might consider playing this card in this instance where it is not logical to isolate, punish, and inflict economic hardships on the part of the world that can least afford to be shut out. We know full well what the political left and the media would be saying if the former President, Donald Trump, executed this ban on mostly black nations. Biden criticized then-President Trump’s travel bans in the early days of the pandemic as “xenophobic”.    
Countries throughout the world; specifically, those with democratically elected governments, have what they needed to push through further on their agenda of retaining power and control under the guise of another round of fear with the omicron variant. It is no surprise that the target of their actions is to leverage this latest variant scare to go after the remaining unvaccinated population. China, unlike democracies, have no need to create a fear-driven narrative in forcing vaccinations on their population while Western nations are in catch up mode, and the lesser influential countries are really of no consequence in the overall ploy and simply fall in line with globalists.
During a Biden – Dr. Anthony Fauci news conference on the omicron variant, they were both emphatic that the vaccine is the only way out of this new threat. Biden claimed the reason for the travel ban was to give people an opportunity to get vaccinated before it moves around the world to America and before it is too late. While Joe’s message was for the unvaccinated, Fauci stated that the boosters or third shots is likely to offer cross protection against the variants and we have every reason to believe that people will have some degree of protection. The words likely, believe, and some degree is not too assuring for a man that advocates the science.  
Most reports coming in has seen the vaccinated being infected by the omicron variant. Perhaps it is the third shot or the new and improved version being developed and marketed for 2022 that will make the difference.  Their tag-team presser did have some immediate impact with vaccinations hitting 2.2 million doses administered in America over a 24-hour period.
While the good cops had their say, the bad cops followed in behind with more draconian measures on the heels of omicron. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said the CDC is working on expanding a surveillance program at the busiest airports where airlines will be required to provide lists of travelers for testing, tracking, and forcing quarantines.  It is quite absurd to be going after vaccinated law-abiding people paying to enter the country; yet hundreds of thousands of people entering illegally across the southern border are not being tested. It is estimated that 20% of the illegals are entering with COVID infections as they spread the virus to all corners of America. This is a sham! If the government really cared, the resources would be diverted to the border; however, this would impugn the government’s agenda.
Unbeknownst to most Americans, Congress passed the most egregious surveillance legislation known as H.R. 550 Immunization System Data Modernization and Expansion Act, a $400 million computerized data base that allows the CDC to record vaccine doses administered across America. While regimes around the world rolled out vaccine passport systems, America by privacy design had lacked the overreach by an overbearing central government.  
This legislation would enable the federal government to share crucial information with local authorities and track unvaccinated Americans who will be targeted and forced to comply with global vaccination vision. The bill’s author said the system will notify people when they are due for their next vaccination and identify areas with low vaccination rates. The bill will also award funding to health departments and local government entities for agreeing to adopt and share the data collection set out by the CDC.
This bill is clearly a slippery slope where medicine has mixed with political ideologies. Government has weaponized the pandemic to infiltrate, control, and force their Orwellian rules onto those who do not comply. This concept to demonize those who are not vaccinated is fascist in declaring these people are causing all the problems and begin to persecute them to accentuate their political creeds.    
Countries within the EU are taking advantage of the ‘Omicron Scare’ by staying one-step of the U.S. with the most extreme measures by forcing vaccine mandates. Austria announced that they will be implementing forced vaccination early next year. Those refusing vaccination will face continuous lockdowns, hefty fines up to 7,200 eros, and potential jail time. Greece followed with announcing monthly fines after December. Germany’s incoming chancellor, Olaf Scholz, voiced his support for mandatory vaccinations, blaming the unvaccinated for the problems in Germany.       
European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen then raised the stakes in calling for discussions on a common approach to implement forced vaccination throughout the entire EU. Responding to the EU chief, Hermann Kelly, the President of the Irish Freedom Party, said state coercion should be resisted. He continued that if we allow the state to dictate what chemical or biological agent you must take inside your body, it becomes questionable on what liberties remain. Kelly stated, “We are witnessing the dangerous Chinafication of Europe with mandatory digital certificates.”
Australia has taken the unnerving measures to build numerous quarantine camps strategically located throughout the country for the intended purpose of quarantining international travelers to ensure they are clear to move about. There are reports, however, of more sinister implications. A 26-year-old woman was removed from her home by masked police against her will for potentially being in close contact with a covid positive case even though she tested negative. The police surrounded her home and told her that she was being taken away and placed in detention for 14 days at the Howard Springs Center of National Resilience, the 2,000-capacity COVID camp outside of Darwin.  
The female prisoner shared in a podcast following her release that you feel like a prisoner; it is inhumane what they are doing, they just overpower you and you are literally nothing. She said camp guards threatened her that they would extend her time in the camp next time. Masked police also set up roadblocks along a perimeter to catch three teens who escaped over the barbed wire at the same facility – they had all tested negative for COVID too.    
The chief minister of Australia’s Northern Territory, Michael Gunner, expressed his gratitude to Prime Minister Scott Morrison for the military personnel and army trucks to carry out the round ups in the territory where people can only leave their homes for medical treatment. Gunner angrily declared that anyone who opposes vaccine mandates, even if vaccinated, will be regarded by the government as an “anti-vaxxer.” He said, “If you support, champion, give a green light, give comfort to, support anyone who argues against the vaccine, you are an anti-vaxxer. Your personal vaccination status is utterly irrelevant.”
Canada, with no political resistance in the country, has acted without impunity to lockdown all unvaccinated citizens from travel or from entering restaurants and events; along with full mask mandates whether you are vaccinated or not; including young children all day at school. Instead of the Australian quarantine camps, the Canadian federal government has occupied hotel camps where citizens arriving at airports; whether they are elderly, fully vaccinated with three shots, and tested negative are escorted by police to be quarantined in squalid conditions with no heat or toiletries, very little food to sustain yourself, and restricted contact with the outside world.     
After World War II, a series of trials were held in Nuremburg, Germany to hold members of the Nazi party responsible for war crimes. The trials were led by the U.S. in what became known as the Nuremburg Trials where German physicians responsible for conducting unethical medical procedures on humans in concentration camps during the war were tried. In 1947, the prosecution submitted a memorandum to the United States Counsel for War Crimes outlining ten points known as ‘The Code’ that was reiterated by the judges delivering their guilty verdict.
The Code’s permissible medical experiments explicitly states the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person should have the legal capacity to give consent (to the COVID vaccine); should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved to make an understanding and enlightened decision; including the duration of the methods, hazards, and long term effects upon one’s health which may possibly come from the participation. The human subject should have the liberty to bring the experiment to an end if one has reached a physical or mental state where continuation cannot continue; and the medical action must be terminated if there is probable cause to believe continuation may result in injury, disability, or death to the subject.
The Code is the most important document in the history of clinical research ethics, which had a massive influence on human rights. In America, it formed the basis for the regulations issued by the United States Department of Health and Human Services for the ethical treatment of human subjects; and as of 2019, 173 countries have signed off on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that prohibits medical experimentation without the free consent of the subject. Sadly, and thankfully, the Nuremburg Code became the cornerstone to enlighten humanity on bioethics following the reverberation of ghastly Nazi atrocities.   
To be clear, the COVID vaccines are still considered experimental medicine being administered and has not passed through the full regulatory process of clinical studies on the effectiveness and long-term impacts on one’s health. This raises numerous unanswered questions, including whether the ‘Omicron Scare’ has overridden the Nuremburg Code. Why are people who have been vaccinated three times required to wear a mask and are still being infected with COVID? Why are the ingredients of the vaccines not listed on the shipping documentation like other medicines? Why did a judge suppress the ingredients in the vaccines for 55 years? Are you sure the vaccine does not contain graphene oxide and are you aware this poisonous substance can be manipulated externally once it is in the human body? Why are people being forced under duress to inject the vaccine or lose their employment? Do you know how your red blood cells are reacting after taking the vaccine? Why are young children suddenly coming down with COVID after so many adults are vaccinated yet there were no issues for them prior to vaccinations? Why are there more deaths from COVID after the vaccine rollout than prior? Finally, where does this experiment lead and to what end, at what costs to society, and what are our limits for ongoing injections?
It was not long ago when people who had concerns over forced vaccinations and quarantine camps were labeled conspiracy theorists. Many vaccine supporters and politicians claimed such actions would be extreme and not legal; and yet today these mandates have become mainstream and those who object on the basis of the Nuremburg Code are being persecuted. Will forced vaccines lead to war crimes against humanity?
What of this injustice of the vaccine mandate and its mark on history? If we just take a moment to think through the confusion of the pandemic and understand the moral issues being undermined by the powers seeking to control society and usurp western democracy, then we may refuse to allow our sacrifices for freedom to be squandered. It lies with the people on whether your conscience becomes a trumpet call to like-minded people, together in steadfast perseverance with mutual purpose and support to go on to finish in a way worthy of our liberties and citizenship.   
Some have asked if God cares in these days of national and global calamity. The significance of this answer is not discovered simply by human ingenuity scrutinizing the methods of divine judgement. Rather, natural laws of mankind’s inept abilities and political actions of injustice work through periodic courses of tribalistic history set against a heavenly appointed destiny over millenniums. This we can not easily explain, but we can give this current calamity a profound and prayerful significance by recognizing in the moment of injustice an opportunity to intercede; knowing God’s love prevails and the instilled joy is not limited by death.
Out of the ashes and ruins, a nation will grow a worthier life of good citizenship; stirred by justice and freedom in realizing our blessing in this hour of distress. Leaders who simply follow their science as their god are obstinate in their actions and they no not acknowledge, and they do not see the real master over one’s body and soul is God.  
The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed the deep fissures among the countries with regards to governance of the pandemic .The uncoordinated and the haphazard  knee-jerk reactions and policy nostrums is indicative of the abysmal sclerosis of the governance mechanisms of the WHO .While  with the advent of the hyper-nationalism and  kindred predilections  of the countries in  protectionist initiatives global governance across the issue areas has witnessed a diminishing efficacy or outright floundering, it is however in the health issue that the governance mechanism aimed at containing pandemic has unraveled  deplorably.
The global efforts aimed at grappling with the unwieldy virus can be termed as a debacle as the hitherto infrastructure that   framers of institutions have forged had met with outright disregard  in favor with a  harkening back to the 19th century  protectionist attitudes where each country guided by their parochial interest had  jealously guarded national sovereignty in order to safeguard their goals. The countries who were bound together through   the robust bond of globalization had reacted to the pandemic with a spirit that is antithetical to the underlying rationales of globalization .Especially, European nations  had maintained more sophisticated and intricate collective cooperation  and n in effect had spawned a federal European identity. However, during the outbreak of the pandemic they had resorted to measures which is unbecoming of their collective identity and was emblematic of a realpolitik reckoning of state interest.
As with Europe, pandemic had unraveled the prolonged vacuous rhetoric of the country apropos international cooperation and global governance. While United States deem itself as the lone custodian of the liberal world order and underscore the necessity of cooperation in order to safeguard the collective freedom of the country, however at the beginning of the pandemic and throughout the turbulent pandemic period the preeminent country in the world had denigrated the global governance efforts in favor of its arm-twisting tactics and notoriously browbeaten India to secure crucial medical supplies. Besides, at the height of the pandemic far from concentrating collective efforts to halt the unceasing onslaught of the pandemic, United States had embroiled in bickering with the China over the origin of the Covid-19 virus and wielded mud-slinging and other measures to denigrate its prime geo-political adversary.
The victims of great powers’ unabashed skirmishes were however the less developed countries who hinge on global governance and collective cooperation in the pressing situation .However ,any consensus had been impeded due to the barrage of recriminations  by both the United States and China. This wrangling had deflected the elite attention from the containment of the pandemic and provided ground for further aggravation of the global pandemic. Moreover, the  reaction of the countries  to the Covid-19 was  haphazard and  had been lacking in any coherent collective will in facing the  pandemic.
The slipshod management of the global health crisis had been a characteristic of WHO despite the fundamental pillar underlying this paramount organization being the management and prevention of the world health crisis. Since its inception, however, WHO had fared miserably in its bid in containment of the numerous public health crisis .The earlier debacle of WHO was marked by dilatory response or unsolicited response. Moreover,  WHO failed to mobilize due response in the face of pressing threats to global health. This is a consequence of the organization’s lack of coordinated effort and deficiency of any coercive capabilities.  While WHO is entrusted with the paramount responsibility of managing international and collective response against public health crisis ,it is however devoid of any mechanism that and aren’t mandated to coerce its constituent states to abide by its regulations. Therefore, WHO and its efforts at countering the health crisis are often rendered futile due to the stubborn attitude of the countries and due to the unwieldy nature of global governance.
Therefore, the efficacy of the paramount institution that has been envisaged in order to shield the world from a disastrous public health crisis is increasingly hamstrung in want of a coordinated and refined mechanism. Against this backdrop, the surfacing of ominous novel variant Omicron has jolted the already fragile economic recovery in the  world and run the risk of wiping the hard-earned gains  in the wake of vaccination efforts. The current woe and resurfacing of the pandemic points towards the callous stance of the developed countries with regards to vaccination. While developed countries had inoculated their domestic population, they however is shilly shallying  about mounting a coordinated global effort in confronting the global pandemic. This has meant that a excruciatingly slow vaccination rate in the African region. The fact that this virus had originated in Africa is indicative of a ominous message and suggest that due to dilatory vaccination  efforts globally bulk of the developing and lower developed countries remain outside the vaccination and the virus are mutating incessantly through these unvaccinated population are growing more virulent .
Moreover, until a substantial percentage of people come under the ambit of vaccination, it will be remain herculean task of extirpating the Covid menace. However, there are paucity of sincere efforts from the has undermined WHO’s overtures aimed at a coordinated vaccination program had faltered due to the callous and apathetic attitude of the developing nations. Besides, the profit-guzzling pharmaceuticals companies had found a windfall of endless profiteering from the plight of pandemic and in effect weaponized pandemic as a means to monopolizing their vaccines and other medical goods and safeguarding this inordinate market dominance under the questionable TRIPs .
Against this backdrop, the world requires   a well-coordinated, hierarchical, top-down and systemic institution with the capacity of the managing the global health crisis with efficiency .Besides, the new governance mechanism need to be modeled on other organizations that wield capacity of sanction and can exert pressure on the government if any country doesn’t abide by its dictates. Besides, rather than inefficacious and toothless organization , an  efficient management of global health crisis is required in order to persuasively deal with the global health crisis. A treaty needs to be formulated with all of the countries entrusting their partial sovereign power to the organization and should abide by the injunction of the organization. Moreover, an overhaul of infrastructure of global health governance is presupposed in order to confront the pressing challenges of the  imminent health crisis.
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